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Nightmares and Daydreams

I sat in the plane, staring out the window. I'm doing what I always do, I'm running away. Tears slipped down my cheeks and I took a deep breath. "It's for the best" I tell myself but was it really? After arriving, I took a taxi then walked into the middle of nowhere for hours.

I came across a huge gate surrounded by an even bigger wall. It was something out of a movie. Why are they hated so high? My thoughts were interrupted by a bullet that barely grazed me. "Who are you?" the woman at the gate questions, aiming her gun at me.

She had beautiful dark skin and certain traditional emblems. She's hot, fuck, I shouldn't be admiring someone who may kill me. She wore traditional clothing which was strange, a village in the middle of the forest? "I mean no harm, I'm here for someone" I explain with my hands up in defence. She slowly examined me and held the trigger before a scream was heard.

"Woah, woah, woah, relax. She said she means no harm" a male exclaimed. He also wore similar clothes, what the heck is going on. "Stand down" a woman standing at the top of the wall states. The man and woman drop their weapons and bow.

Okay seriously what's going on? The gates opened and my jaw dropped. The city was nothing short of beautiful. It was filled with modern houses of neutral colours, plants almost everywhere and in the centre of it all, there was a large building that resembled a castle.

"Quit gawking and walk or else we'll leave you behind" the woman states as she turns her back. I snap out of my trance and follow her. She led me to the palace and sat on her throne as she stared me up and down.

She snapped her fingers and weapons made of crystal spawned out of thin air and they were pointed at me. "State your name and business" the woman states bitterly. I was terrified, what's going on?

"Charlotte Tsukumo, uhm I don't know. I just stumbled upon here" I respond and she nods. "Tsukumo? By adoption or birth?" she questions. "By birth, I'm the future heir. Daughter of Zion Tsukumo and Angelique Zenin" I mention. "Good but not impressive. I am Elena Tsukumo, Zion is my grandson and I'm the head of this beautiful civilization" she explains.

"That makes you my great grandma" I say excitedly. "Exactly, you can call me granny" she nods with a soft smile. I was stunned, my father told me that my grandma disappeared and was found dead. Not completely missing, how strange.

I caught up with her and we talked for hours. She told me about the past and the history of Tsukumo. It was so amazing and interesting to know the actual history of Tsukumo that no one told me about. It helped me understand how Tsukumo came to be, it was amazing.

After learning about the history, my grandma showed me a spare guest room to sleep in. After a quick shower, I head to bed.

The leaves rustled and I found myself sitting on the floor with my legs crossed. Where am I? I sat up and stared at the room around me, well more like an area. I was outside of my great grandma's civilization. I took a deep breath and stared at the night sky above me.

Everything was so off and eerie to be honest. A tap on my shoulder made me flinch and have my guard up. "Damn, mortals are such fragile creatures" the female states. The female seemed in her mid 30s and she was wearing a long elegant black dress with a witches hat.

"Who are you?" I question. "Oh don't ask me such questions mortal. I'm not interested in chit chat. I wanna know about your cursed energy" the witch states, pointing her mage's wand at me. "Uhm, I make crystals that can explode I guess" I state.

"Don't just tell me show me what you've got" the witch laughs excitedly as she prepares to fight. I sigh and run up to her, I kick her but she easily dodges and punches me. Well she's better than anticipated, I get up and put my fists in front of me.

I started aiming at her randomly until her body was all bloody and beaten, without any cursed energy. A confident smirk makes its way upon my face. My face drops because of the sight before me. A white face with sharp teeth and dead eyes. The witch stands up and her wounds heal magically.

Then I hear ear screeching screams. They were like the sounds of souls at the pits of hell. They were so loud and made my ears bleed. "Please help me!" I exclaim as I try to tear my ears off. Headless corpses run around and the screams get louder then an eerie silence replaces the screams.

What's going on? I was breathing heavily and my heart was going at a thousand miles per hour. What was that? "Could you hear anything?" I question and the witch shakes her head. "I didn't hear anything. You were just screaming for help and tried to rip your ears off. You seemed to be in a lot of pain too" the witch mentions.

"What exactly did you see?" she questions with a smirk. "I saw headless corpses running around and there was a monster in front of me. I also heard super loud screams" I explain in a state of panic. The witch chuckles before whispering "that's a bit crazy, don't you think?" Into my ear.

I woke up screaming and terrified. It was just a dream, Charlotte. I tried to calm myself but it wasn't working because it felt so real. I shake it off and prepare for the day. Servants rushed at my service because I was the Queen's 'special' guest.

"Granny, is it normal to hear really loud screams and see headless corpses at night?" I question and she gave me a confused look. "Considering the fact that you kill curses, then yes. Most curses were once human and when they die, their souls are in pain and never at peace" she explains.

"Then again, we're murderers, you and I. It's what we do because we were made to do it and we do it so well" she whispers with a smirk. "No, I'm not a murderer. I don't understand" Could someone please explain to me what's going on? "You will soon" she whispers.

Turns out the whole travelling to the forest was all just a dream and I was still in the plane. My mind is playing tricks on me, I need a break. After landing, I headed straight to a hotel and booked a room. I guess I'm going to sleep because I can't deal with this.

I'm so excited to write this because I have so much planned

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