First Christmas together

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JJ: Hello Readers and Brandon

Readers: hello JJ and Brandon

Brandon: hello JJ and Readers

JJ: as you can see by this title we are having Christmas together

Readers: yay

Brandon: Awesome

JJ: hehe yay okay time to get right into it see you all at the end of this story peace

Readers: peace out

Brandon: peace


it was Christmas Eve and you were cooking cause you decided to have Christmas at your house and your family was coming over along with his family too and you had your bf Brandon to help with the dinner for when they arrived which should be at any moment.

*Doorbell ring*

Y/n: they are here love can you get the door for me

Brandon: yeah sure thing princess

He went to open the door to welcome you and his family they came in and said hello's and hi's they went to their room to settle in my family will be on the first floor and his will be on the third floor, once they were done they came with gift and put them under the tree and help me with the rest of the food. I made pound cake and sweet potato pie i had them in the oven now I'm about to take them. Once I took them out I put them on the dessert table so they can cool off. I was getting tired and Ms. Lover and my mom said,

ms. lover: sweetheart why don't you go rest your feet

Mom: yes sweetie go sit down we will take care of the rest

Y/n: are you sure?

ms. lover: yes we are sure go rest

Y/n: okay thank you for helping out so much

Mom: you're welcome sweetie

ms. lover: no problem sweetheart

Mom: now go sit before I have your bf come get you out of this kitchen

Y/n: okay fine Mom I'm going

I walked out of the kitchen and sat down in our living room watching the kids play games. I smile cause they don't know I have a cool basement full of a pool, arcade, bowling, my PC, and my gaming systems.

Y/n: hey kids guess what?

kids: what?

Y/n: love why don't you go show them what's in the basement?

Brandon: sure thing princess, follow me, kids

kids: okay

They follow him into the basement and all I can hear is them going wow's and ou's I crack a smile on my face knowing I just made their day. the pool is in one room with chairs bathrooms with showers and towels. the arcade is in the room from across the pool room and the bowling alley is right next to the arcade. My PC and gaming system are in a different room which is at the back of the hall and it's very noticeable cause the door is painted a marvel theme.

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