Proposal/shower smut

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Jadah: hello my loves so this chapter and going to be special on hehe and I'm just going to skip some months so I hope you guys like this and enjoy the show.

Brandon: Welcome back readers I'm taking overseeing as Jadah is being lazy and is at work

Jadah: why are you lying I'm sitting at work waiting for these students to pick up their packages so no you are not taking over jackass

Brandon: watch your tone princess

Jadah: Ouu I'm so scared Reyna come get your whatever you want to call him

Reyna: Leave Jadah alone Brandon

Brandon: nah I'm not going to leave her alone she has an attitude and I don't like it

Jadah: Reyna babes you better get him before I roast his ass

Reyna: I- you know what never mind Jadah love you can roast him

Jadah: thank you, babes

Brandon: wait I- I didn't sign up to be roasted

Reyna: well you brought that upon yourself so you have to deal with it heheheh

Jadah: get ready to be roasted Brandon hehe

Brandon: bring it, princess

Jadah: ouu Reyna he's calling me princess

Reyna: hey Brandon stop calling my baby names she mines heheheh

Brandon: What * huff and anger*

Jadah: haha haha he was joking Brandon

Reyna: hahaha she got you good

Brandon: that's not cool guys come on man

Jadah: not as cool as your big forehead

Reyna: ahahahahahah

Brandon: ohh we roasting each other now okay at least I'm famous on TikTok

The girls(Reyna, ness, zinnia, Nikki, Taylor, Tiff, Joanna, Audrey, Cesca, Kay, Mal, Maya, Shaunie,) ou damn what you got jadah

Jadah: at least I listen when I'm sick unlike someone

The girl: damn she had a point

Brandon: well at least I don't listen to the same music every day 24/7

The girls: damn

Jadah: * starts smirking* at least I'm not horny all the time for some pussy

The girls: oh snap

Brandon: at least I get some pussy

Jadah: at least I don't get caught having sex in public

The girls: oooooooooooooooo

Brandon: at least damn you won

The girls: ayo let's go

Jadah: * smirking* I like to roast people for fun or when they cross me over

Brandon: good to know but good game at roasting each other

Jadah: a good game to you too

The girls: yah jadah

Jadah: thank you girls i love you all

The girls: we love you too


( 6 months have passed)
You were living with Brandon cause you sold your house after the events that happened with Gabriel's father. After that, you felt better cause you didn't want to live in the house where you got kidnapped so you moved. Now you are happier than ever you were a stay-at-home mom still watching Gabriel and doing work from home on your schedule and watching Gabe. Brandon and Bella were at work and Roman was outside watching for anything suspicious but the other guards are watching as well in case I need Roman to watch Gabe when I get on a meeting. It was in the afternoon and you were making lunch for yourself, Gabe, Roman,& the rest of the guards. Once I was done I gave it to them and went back to work while watching Gabe but he's sleeping now. One hour passed and I got off of work and headed downstairs to make dinner Bella was already back and Brandon was on his way back. You are in your third trimester even tho you are supposed to take it easy since you are 7 months pregnant and almost 8 but you are very stubborn.
You were very tired and told Bella that you were heading to bed.

Mafia/professor Brandon Where stories live. Discover now