Chapter 27

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I woke up to the dulcet tones of my phone ringing itself off the wall.

"Ugh," I groaned, standing from my bed to reach for the phone.


"Robin, hi, it's Nancy."

I smiled goofily.

"Nancy, hi. What's up?" I asked, cutting myself short so that I wouldn't ramble on at her.

"I need you to help me figure something out." She said.

"Me? Why me?" I asked, suspicion in my voice.

Nancy hesitated a moment.

"Well...I think you'll be the best help here."

I forced down an awkward laugh.

Do not embarrass yourself, Robin, I begged. Nancy wants to spend time with you.

Nancy freaking Wheeler.

"Okay," I agreed and I could hear the grin in her voice when Nancy spoke again.

"Meet me at my house in twenty minutes, okay?"

"I'll be there."

Nancy cut the line and I was left in silence.

After a moment of hesitation, I turned toward my closet, searching through piles and racks of clothes.

"Why is everything I own sh!t?" I grumbled to myself, flinging old shirts and chain necklaces over my shoulder.

Finally, I found an outfit that didn't make me look like I was an eighth grader trying too hard to fit in or a depressed middle-aged woman.

I threw my Scoops Ahoy uniform into my backpack and sprinted outside in a flurry of nervous energy.

Be normal, be normal, be normal, I repeated countless times in my head as I pedalled furiously toward the Wheelers' house.

Nancy was already standing outside when I arrived and I threw her a shy smile.

"You're here," she said, returning my smile.

"I'm here." I told her with a small salute, throwing my bike onto the grass next to what appeared to be Mike's.

Nancy led me upstairs to her bedroom and I took a seat on the bed.

Nancy sat too, and I couldn't help but notice she was blushing.

"So...why am I here exactly?" I asked and she laughed.

"El's got a interest," she told me. Frowning, I looked up at her.

"I know. I was there on Saturday."

Nancy smiled, shaking her head.

"Robin...I think it's Max."

I looked at Nancy for a moment and then looked back away, my brain buzzing with thoughts.

It would make sense, why the two of them seemed almost joint at the hip after returning from the trip...

"They were holding hands yesterday, and El never said the name of who the other person was." Nancy continued and I nodded.

"If you're right...what do we do?" I asked.

"I was hoping you had an idea."

I laughed.

"Hardly. Why didn't you ask your partner in crime anyway?"

She frowned.

"Jonathan? No, its not like that,"

"Huh," I said, echoing my thoughts out loud.

"And Steve still has a thing for me, but I don't know if I like him like that either."

I frowned a little, confused.

"So...who do you like?" I asked.

Nancy smiled slightly, her eyes glued to the bedspread that was dotted with blue and white daisies.

"Someone I thought I hated," she murmured.

My eyebrows arched and I begged myself to stay quiet.

"Really," I said, though it was more of a statement than a question.

"That's funny, because it's the same for me too." I added.

Nancy looked up at me.

"Yeah," she muttered. "Funny."

I stood up from the bed and began to pace the room.

"Should we really interfere? I mean, if they really are dating they might not want people to know." I reasoned, trying to shrug the moment that had just passed off.

Nancy frowned slightly.

"I don't know. I don't want them to be scared to tell people."

I sighed.

"Nance... they should be scared to tell people. I mean, they shouldn't, but in this world, these days, they should. It's not safe for them to go around telling people. Especially ones they don't trust. Its different for people like them, Nancy. People like me."

If my words had alarmed her, she didn't show it.

Nancy lowered her gaze, her head falling into her hands.

"I know," she murmured. 

"I know."

(A/N: Helloooooooo! Hoped you guys liked this chapter with Robin's POV- yas I ship Ronance too hehe- How are you guys??? I'm fine lol but I srsly need to beat my friend's high score hahahaha- Wish me luck! Lol- stay safe and totally tubular and I'll see you in the next one xx)

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