Chapter 4

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Safiya's pov:

"Oh, it hurts so hard, For a million different reasons, You took the best of my heart, And left the rest in pieces"

Days drifted by, and it had been a week since that cringe-inducing encounter with Fahad. On my way to the office, my father intercepted me with a gentle request, "Safiya, today you didn't have tea with me. Come, let's have a cup together." Hastily, I replied, "Abbu, I'm running late today. We can share a cup in the evening when I return from the office." I gave a sorrowful nod, hugged my father, and planted a kiss on my mother's cheek before heading to work.

As evening unfolded, a sudden call from my mother shattered the calmness. Her tearful voice struck me with an inexplicable fear. "Quickly come to the hospital, Safiya. Your father had a heart attack." My legs felt like they had lost their strength; I crumbled to the ground, tears streaming down my face. Khushi, sensing my distress, helped me to a chair and inquired anxiously, "What happened, Safiya? Is everything okay?"

A sob escaped my lips as I managed to utter, "Abbu... he had a heart attack." Shocked, Khushi and I rushed to the hospital. As I embraced my mother, tears mingling with my own, I anxiously questioned her, "Amma, is Abbu going to be okay?"

In the dimly lit hospital corridor, my mother's tear-streaked face revealed the gravity of the situation. Through her sobs, she managed to convey, "Safiya, your father is in the operation theatre. They're doing their best, but it's a critical situation."

My heart clenched with a mixture of fear and hope. "Ammi, Ayyan is there with Abbu?"

Her nod affirmed, "Yes, Ayyan is one of the surgeons." Ayyan's presence, provided me a semblance of comfort amid the unsettling uncertainty.

In the subdued atmosphere of the hospital waiting room, my mother and I sat in shared silence, our prayers echoing in the cavernous space. Every passing moment felt like an eternity as we awaited news of my father's condition. After sometimes Khushi was leaving as it was late now, Amid the palpable tension, Shazma phuppo, arrived, her presence offering a blend of comfort and concern.

She approached with a compassionate embrace, enveloping my mother in a hug that spoke volumes.

In the quiet corner of the hospital waiting room, Shazma, my phuppo, embraced my mother with a mixture of sympathy and shared concern. Their eyes met, and unspoken words of support hung in the air. As they eased into a conversation, the hushed tones carried the weight of worry.

Shazma Phuppo spoke with a gentle reassurance, "Bhabhi, How is he holding up in there?"

My mother, her eyes reflecting a combination of exhaustion and hope, responded, "It's been a challenging surgery. Ayyan is doing his best, but we're all on edge, praying for the best."

Shazma Phuppo nodded solemnly, "May Allah grant him a swift recovery." A tender smile touched my mother's lips as she replied, "Let's continue praying for your Bhai's well-being."

my mother's voice carried the weight of worry, "Shazma, I must share something with you," my mother began, her eyes revealing the vulnerability beneath her composed exterior.

Shazma Phuppo, with a furrowed brow, responded, "Bhabhi what's troubling you?"

With a heavy sigh, my mother continued, "Shazma, your younger brother Ashraf Ali sold our ancestral house without informing us. The news hit your brother Rashid, and the shock triggered his heart attack. That house held so many memories, and its loss has taken a toll on him."

Shazma's eyes widened in disbelief and regret. "I had no idea this would happen. I can't believe it our brother can do this."

The revelation hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow, As my mother shared the distressing news, my eyes widened in shock, and a wave of disbelief washed over me.

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