Chapter 3

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Safiya's pov:

If you ever wanna be my one
I'll be waiting

The next morning, as I prepared to leave for the office, the doorbell chimed through the house. Curiosity led me to answer it, revealing a lady on the doorstep. Puzzled, I inquired, "Who?"

Her response left me even more perplexed. "Is your father at home?" she asked. Confirming his presence, I invited her inside and guided her to the living room.

When my father entered the room, a warm smile adorned his face. The lady addressed him with a term that surprised me, "Assalamu alaikum Rashid Bhai."

As they settled in the living room, my father greeted "wa alaikum salaam Shazma" and the lady engaged in a heartfelt conversation. I stood by, trying to piece together the puzzle of her identity.

"Rashid Bhai, it's been too long," she remarked with a nostalgic smile.

My father reciprocated the warmth, "Indeed, it has. What brings you here after all these years, is everything alright?"

Shazma aunty, delved into the reason behind her visit. "I heard about our brother selling your land," she began, her tone carrying a mix of concern.

My father's expression shifted, a hint of somberness crossing his features. "Yes, it's true."

Phuppo nodded in understanding, "But, Bhai, you know he is not right, how can he do this, you can always rely on my family. If there's anything we can do to help, don't hesitate to ask." My father's eyes softened.

My mother and I approached my aunt with a tray of tea and biscuits. As we offered her hospitality, she greeted us with a kind smile, radiating warmth that hinted at a gentle spirit.

"You must be surprised to know that I'm your aunt and your father's younger sister," she said with that same soft smile.

Nervously, I nodded, admitting, "Yeah, it's a bit surprising as I never saw you before."

Taking a sip of tea, she continued, "But I have seen you many times. Your father used to bring you to my house frequently. The reason you never saw me in family gatherings is because your grandfather was against my love marriage. He didn't like the person I married, and he told me that I married him so I would never be allowed to enter his house. True to his words he never let me in."

Her words carried a tinge of sorrow, revealing a family history colored by complexities and untold stories. As I listened, a mix of emotions stirred within me—surprise, empathy, and a growing understanding of the intricate dynamics that shaped our family's narrative.

Setting the tea aside, she continued, "Despite the challenges, I cherished the moments with your parents and you. I may not have been physically present at family gatherings, but my heart was always connected to all of you."

She went on to share stories of those clandestine meetings, the laughter we shared, and the bond that persisted despite the physical distance. I found myself captivated by her tales.

With a soft smile, she concluded, "Now that circumstances have brought me here, I want to be a part of your lives. Family is a treasure, Safiya, and it's never too late to rediscover those bonds." Her words resonated deeply, and I felt a newfound affinity blossoming.

After my heartfelt conversation with my aunt, I excused myself from the warmth of our family gathering, realizing that duty called, and I had to head to the office.

As I made my way to the door, my aunt offered a parting smile, expressing her understanding of my commitments. "Work calls, Safiya. I look forward to more moments together, next time when we meet I hope we spend more time together."

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