Meet The Swift Family

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Summary: Travis meets Taylor's family

"Babe, hurry up! I have to put my makeup on!" Taylor yelled after her boyfriend, who has been in the bathroom for around ten minutes.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Travis replied, finally opening the door to the bathroom. "Finally." Taylor sighed. "Why was the door locked, anyway?"

"I needed privacy to make sure I looked my best."Travis replied, smiling nervously. "Do I?"

"Yeah, you look hot. Why do you need to make sure you look your best?" Taylor asked, starting to grab her makeup and put it on.

"I want to make sure I look good for your parents. So they think I'm worthy of dating the Taylor Swift." Travis sighed, smoothing out his plaid shirt.

"Relax, baby. I'm not the Taylor Swift with my parents. With them, i'm just Tay, the music obsessed girl that loves to bake, play scrabble, and play with cats." Taylor smiled in the mirror to her boyfriend, who looked like he was about to spiral into a panic attack.

Taylor finished her makeup as quickly as she could before turning back to comfort Travis. "Hey, hey, hey." She gently grabbed his hand while softly raking the other one through his beard. "relax. My parents will love you."

"Okay, but, what if I'm not enough for you and they realize that." Travis sighed. "Oh, baby, you're more than enough for me. Okay? You're sure as hell better for me than the last one." Taylor replied, wrapping her arms around Travis and bringing him down to rest his head against her chest.

"Promise?" Travis asked.

Taylor nodded. "Promise." She kissed his head softly.

A couple seconds later, the doorbell rang and Travis removed his head from Taylors chest as he looked at her in a panic, although a little calmer than a couple minutes ago.

"Ready?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, I guess." Travis replied

Taylor started to walk to the door before she turned to look at Travis one more time. "Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention, Austin will also be here, we just found out last minute."



"Mom!" Taylor exclaimed, flinging herself into her mothers arms.

"My baby! I missed you so much." Andrea rubbed Taylor's back.

"It's pretty clear who the favorite is." Austin whispered to Scott. "When I got to moms house, she gave me a high five and told me not to touch the cookies on the counter."

They remained in a hug for a few more seconds before letting go so Taylor could greet the other members of her family. After hugging her dad and brother, she turned to see Travis standing a couple feet away from them. She walked over to him and grabbed his hand, turning around to face her family.

"Travis, this is my mom, Andrea, my dad, Scott, and my brother, Austin." She point to each person as she said their names. "Everyone, this is Travis! My boyfriend." She smiled softly up at him which definitely calmed his nerves.

Andrea was the first to do anything. "It's great to meet you, Travis!" Andrea brought him into a hug and it calmed him a little more. "You too, ma'am." Travis smiled gently. "Call me Andrea, honey." She replied and Travis nodded.

Scott was the next to greet him, giving him a firm handshake in the process with Austin doing the same.

"Well, what have you made for lunch, sweetheart?" Andrea asked after everyone's greetings were over.

"Uh, spaghetti and meatballs with some vegetables on the side. I also made some brownies for dessert!" Taylor smiled. She gestured for everyone to follow her and they all walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, it smells amazing in here." Andrea said, looking at the table where the food was placed out. "Okay, it's all done so just take a seat and dig in!" Everyone moved to sit down at the table. Travis pulled out Taylor's chair for her subconsciously which made her parents share a knowing look.

Everyone got food on their plates and started to eat. "So, Travis. How long have you been playing football for?" Andrea asked.

"I've been in the nfl since 2013 but I've been playing football for as long as I can remember." Travis answered back kindly. Andrea nodded. "Okay, and what position are you again?"

"Uh, I'm a tight-end." He replied.

"Your brother plays for the Eagles, right?" Scott asked and Travis nodded. "Yeah."

"Okay, well, we've been Eagles fans for so long, but, we might be willing to make an exception for our daughter." Scott said and everyone chuckled. "Well, I will do everything in my power to show you it's the right choice." Travis replied and both Scott and Andrea looked impressed with that answer.

They remained in silence for a few more minutes before Scott spoke back up. "So, what are your intentions with our daughter, Travis?"

"Dad!" Taylor exclaimed. "Really? We haven't even gotten to dessert yet?"

"What? I'm just curious! I have a right to be!" Scott defends himself.

Taylor was about to argue back before Travis stepped in. "It's, uh, it's okay. You do have a right to be. My- uh, my intentions with your daughter is to treat her with love and care, like she deserves. And, uh, and to make sure she knows everyday that I'm the luckiest person in the world to get to call her my girlfriend."

Everyone sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to grasp everything that Travis just said while Taylor was blushing red. No one she ever dated had said that about her, and especially not in front of her parents.

"Well, uh, that was very nice of you, Travis." Andrea said, trying to break the silence, but it didn't work much.

Eventually Austin spoke up after being quiet the whole time. "This spaghetti is amazing, Teffy."

Everyone broke out into chuckles and the conversation started to flow smoothly.


After dessert, everyone moved into the living room to talk for a while. Taylor and Andrea went to put the dishes away first.

"So, what'd you think?" Taylor asked nervously.

"I think he's amazing, honey." Andrea replied and Taylor felt at peace. "He's the best, isn't he!"

"He seems to really love you, honey. And that makes me happy. I think that little speech got your dads approval immediately, as well as mine. No one has ever said that about you to us! It was so sweet."

Taylor nodded. "I was shocked. He was insanely nervous before y'all got here." Andrea furrowed her eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because he wanted you guys to think that he was good enough to date the Taylor Swift. His words, not mine."

"Awe, that's adorable." Andrea replied.

"I know. I think I'm falling in love with him, mom. Which is very scary, but I can't help it." Taylor had told herself she wasn't gonna fall for anyone else after everything with Joe.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with that. He seems like a great guy. So let yourself." Andrea replied, rubbing Taylor's shoulder gently.

Taylor nodded. Andrea wrapped her in a side hug and they walked back into the living room to continue their fun.

Sorry if this ended abruptly😭


It's called "The Archer" and it's an adoption story:) there is gonna be Tayvis in it but it's not the main focus👍

I'm so excited for it! I will probably have it out before the next chapter of this though.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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