Chapter 6- Love and Hate

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"Lauren, you have to take your pills!"

I heard Taylor yelled.

"Tay please, just leave me alone!" Lauren answered, she sounded problematic and stressed out.

"Do we really have to go through this everyday?" Taylor said impatiently.

Lauren glared at her younger sister.

"Ok that's it. I'm calling mom and I'll tell her that you won't take your pills and for sure she will ask you to go to Cuba." she said in an angry voice.

"You're not gonna do that." Lauren said. Her voice sounds like she's gonna slap Taylor's face anytime.

They paused for a while and I felt the tension radiated all over the room.

"Fine. I'm just gonna leave it here, make sure to take it." Taylor slammed the door and I hid myself behind the door of Dinah's room which is just across Lauren's.

"Mom? She's fine. I told her to take her pills. I know. She's just so stubborn..." Taylor said, talking to her mom over the phone while walking down the hallway.

I walked to Lauren's door and knocked.

And it wasn't too long when Lauren told me to come in. I swung it open and saw Lauren packing her bag.

"Where are you going?" I asked as I watched her.

"Somewhere silent." She answered shoving her earphones in her bag.

"Why?" I asked her. She stopped and looked at me like an angry lion.

"Why do you wanna know me? Why are you always curious about me?" she suddenly started shouting on me angriky as if she's a bull and I hang a red flag on her.

"I'm just...concerned about you." I answered nervously, the familiar king of fear crept in my chest but I managed to overcome it.

"You don't have to know everything about me. I hide some parts of me because I'm not sure if you'll look at me the same when you see it." She said, certainly looking so stressed out and pained.

"Try. At least try Lauren." I said and paused, holding her hand, caressing it tenderly. "You already showed me the other parts of you hidden from the rest of the world and I tell you, I'm not afraid of you anymore. We can do this together if you could just let me in." I lovingly said coz there's no any more true than the feelings I have for her and my urge to get closer to her.

But her face tightened.

"I don't know how." she mumbled anxiously as she shook her head. "Someone already stole it from me. My ability to care, to love, to let someone in."  she mumbled with a note of distress. She looked so hurt, devastated and it wrecks me twice than what she feel.

"I'll give it back to you." I whispered, stroking her face lovingly. But she didn't answer. She finally losen up and just wrapped her arms around me.

We climbed up the hill and I set up a blanket on the grass beneath the mapple tree and brought out the food we grabbed from the main house kitchen.

"Do you really wanna know the whole story?" She suddenly asked. Her head was on my lap and she have been playing with a beach rose she picked up along the patio.

"I do. But don't force yourself." I answered, genuinely curious and frightened of what she was about to tell me.

"Ask me questions." She said, meeting my eyes.

"Alright. Promise you won't get mad?" I asked her as I absent-midedly ran my fingers on her long black hair.

"Fine, I promise." She said. I took a deep breath and talked.

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