(vi). you don't have to try too hard, you already have my heart

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"Remember," Jake says, stepping out of the elevator. "There's three days of training and it is crucial that each day you stay focused."

    "Oh please," Malia scoffs. "Like I'm one to get distracted."

    Jake just looks at her, a stern look on his face.

    "Day one," Jake continues. "Show off your skills. You're already in the Career Alliance so today is all about striking fear into the hearts of the others. You want them to take you seriously."

    "And if they don't?" Malia asks.

    "They have to," Jake replies. "Tomorrow you can focus on the survival stations."

    Malia nodded and Jake gave her a thumbs up before leaving.

    Malia stepped into the Training Center, her eyes scanning the gathered tributes from various districts. The air was tense with anticipation and nerves, each tribute preparing for the deadly competition that lay ahead. She spotted Enobaria, locked in a fierce sparring match with a trainer, showcasing her district two strength and ferocity. Nearby, Brutus was honing his spear-throwing skills, while Gloss was gracefully sending knives flying through the air, each one hitting its target with deadly precision.

    Approaching Gloss, Malia couldn't help but admire his skill. As a tribute from district one, she knew that the Careers were always formidable opponents. Yet, she couldn't resist sharing some advice to improve his technique.

    "Hey, Gloss," She called out. "I noticed your stance could use some adjustment. Stand a bit straighter, and try to relax your grip when you throw the knives. It might help with your aim."

Gloss raised an eyebrow, not used to receiving advice from others, especially from a competitor.

"Think you can do better than me?" He challenged, a hint of arrogance in his tone.

Malia's competitive spirit flared up, and she narrowed her eyes, determined to prove herself. Without a word, she hit the button that activated the holographic targets, grabbed a handful of knives, and began her display of precision. One after another, the knives left her hand, hitting each hologram with unerring accuracy.

She never missed a shot.

Gloss was taken aback, impressed by her skill, but he wasn't ready to concede.

He picked up a sword, looking at Malia. "Let's see if you're as good at fighting as you are at throwing."

She grabbed her sais, accepting his challenge without hesitation. They moved to a training mat, and their intense duel began. Gloss swung his sword with calculated strikes, and Malia expertly defended herself, the clang of metal resonating through the air as their weapons clashed.

As the sparring continued, Malia's focus wavered for a split second, her attention drawn to Finnick who was laughing and chatting with Katniss Everdeen on the sidelines. He spun his trident over his head with a huge smile on his face and a pang of jealousy tugged at her heart but she quickly tried to shake off the distraction and refocus on her opponent.

In that momentary lapse, Gloss seized the opportunity, nicking her forehead with his sword, causing a thin trail of blood to form.

"Ow! What the fuck?" Malia exclaimed, blinking in surprise and frustration as she lifted her fingers to touch her forehead. When she pulled them back they were covered in a crimson colored liquid.

Gloss looked serious, taking the opportunity to lecture her. "You can't afford to be distracted in the Games. Focus is crucial. Don't let your emotions get the best of you."

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