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Lost in contemplation at the sign-up board in Bruxeria's main hall, I found myself caught between the allure of various extracurricular activities. As I pondered my choices, Adam, a newfound sandy-haired companion in our shared uncertainty, joined me.

"Stuck between choices too, huh?" he quipped, a friendly smile on his face.

I chuckled nervously, nodding. "Yeah, there are so many options. I don't even know where to begin."

As we discussed the possibilities, I couldn't help but notice Ben shooting us disapproving looks from across the hall. His dark blue eyes held a hint of annoyance, leaving me puzzled. I nudged Adam discreetly and gestured toward Ben.

"Any idea why he's giving us the stink eye?" I inquired, glancing back at the sign-up board to feign casualness.

Adam furrowed his brow, glancing at Ben before responding, "Not sure. Maybe he's not a fan of indecisiveness or maybe..." He paused, considering his words. "Maybe it's something else."

Before I could delve further into Ben's mysterious behavior, we were interrupted by the arrival of Louis and Fallon Fitz. Louis, the attractive fire warlock with an enigmatic air, approached me.

"Hey, Bradford, considering joining the dueling club?" he asked, a charming smile playing on his lips.

I blinked in surprise, not expecting the attention. "Uh, I haven't decided yet. I'm still weighing my options."

Louis, his confidence shining, shared a bit about his own dueling experiences. "It's a thrilling experience, and it keeps you on your toes. You might enjoy it."

As I considered his words, Adam struck up a conversation with Fallon, they had many shared classes so they were familiar friends. They chatted amicably about shared lessons, but I couldn't shake the feeling that Ben's scrutiny intensified.

As Louis shared snippets of his dueling experiences, I noticed Adam engaging in a friendly conversation with Fallon. However, Ben's disapproving gaze intensified, making it clear that something was wrong.

After Louis signed up for dueling, he bid us farewell, leaving a lingering sense of curiosity in his wake. Adam returned to my side, and I couldn't resist asking, "Did you notice the way Ben was glaring at us? Is he okay?"

Adam glanced over his shoulder, observing Ben's distant figure. "I'm not sure, but it looks like jealousy. Maybe he's not thrilled about you talking to Louis."

I blinked in surprise. "Jealousy? Why would he be jealous?"

Adam shrugged, offering a sympathetic but almost saddened smile. "People are complicated. Maybe he has feelings for you or just doesn't like seeing you with someone else. It's hard to say."

But Ben didn't seem to disapprove anything I was doing, his glare was fixated on his roommate.
There was still so much I didn't know about my new dormmates, and I belive there was more than I thought to learn too.

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