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I've always been into reading and books, since I was really young. I went through junior magicary school with Cosima Rosewood's 'A Guide to Witchcraft' stitched to my palm.
But unfortunately it's not entirely possible to learn all magic by books, that's what my teachers are always saying anyway.

I put my book down and look at Felicity, I think she'd been talking but I wasn't really paying attention. Enough people would throw themselves at her for her to talk to them anyways.
In a way I've always wanted to be like Felicity, everyone is always drooling at her feet, and she has so much confidence in everything she does that even if she's doing it wrong, no one says any different.
We've been best friends since forever and it still astounds me to this day how?
We're almost complete opposites, other than the fact that we are both witches.

Felicity is the tall, pretty, popular girl at Bruxeria, who everyone loves and adores. She is friendly to everyone but can put anyone in their place if necessary, she's good at taking leadership roles when no one else will step up and pretending to care about someone's ideas when she knows they are awful, maybe that's why she is such a good actress. I envy her ability to instantly fit into any situation, no matter how unusual.
I tend to try and stay quite, in the shadows, I keep to my studies and refrain from talking to most people. Infact most people probably only know me as 'Felicity's friend'.

"Lena?" Felicity's voice broke my thoughts.
"What? Oh, yeah?" I answered, hoping she wasn't talking about something important.
"I was just asking if you knew anyone that would be in our dorm rooms this year, because you know I can barely tolerate half the people here" she said looking around at all the students in the main hall.

It was the start of term and we had been sharing random assigned dorms for a few days until the full list had been posted. Classes hadn't started yet so we spent most of our time in the main hall or the common room. Our temporary dorms were rather plain and boring as we weren't allowed to decorate them until we got real assigned rooms.

"Oh, uh no, not yet" which was the truth, because no one knew yet, the teachers usually picked your dorm mates based on who they think you will succeed best around and who they believe will be the best company for you. Which is utter nonsense because I barely spoke two words to my dorm mates the year before.
"Well let us just pray that we are in the same room this year" Felicity said, turning back to her meal.
"At least we will know tomorrow" I say also hoping to be together.

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