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I held my breath and pushed open the door to the dorm, I felt as though my chest was a swarm of bees, stinging my heart and deflating my lungs.

I couldn't share a dorm with Ben, I just couldn't.
With everything that happened over the past few years, nothing could bring me to feel any positivity.
"Hi Adam!" I heard Lena's voice.

Lena and I had formed a friendship in our 2nd year at Bruxeria, we had been partnered together for a project in Astronomy and us being the water elementals we are, both said, "I can just do the project and sign your name".

It was funny and we instantly bonded, from then on we had always been familiar friends and studied for Astronomy together once a week.

I've never thought of Lena as more than a friend, I don't think she ever did think about me that way either. I don't know that I'd ever thought of anyone that way really, so I thought.

"Oh, Hi Lena, Hi Felicity" I said then also noticing Lena's best friend.

Felicity Morgan was the popular, pretty, confident twin of playboy Felix Morgan. I never cared for either of them, they both seemed a little too hot in their own heads, especially Felix.

I tried to speak to him a couple times in 3rd year after the incident with Ben but he didnt seem to want to become friends with me, that's when I decided to make myself invisible. I made very few friends over the years but none ever compared to Ben.

I spoke to the girls and learned the dorms were two per room and it seemed Lena was roomed with Perry Vos, which left Felicity and Alice, they seemed okay with the fact they didn't share a room because they still got to share a dorm.

Felix and his friend Owen entered shortly after and I spoke to them briefly but they were soon to be distracted by some party or gathering in another dorm room.

I wasn't fussed about any parties or anything like that, I never was. Mainly because I was never invited, which seemed to be the case then because the two boys left without a word to me.

I walked up the stairs to my dorm room to unpack, I wanted to drown this day in an insant sleep however just as I was getting ready for bed, my roommate walked in.

"Oh." was the only thing Ben said to me. We were both silent as we went to bed. I assumed he wasn't invited to any of the nights parties, I'd never seen him with many friends, near enought pricks like Felix Morgan and Owen Reyes.

I knew Ben well enough to suspect he wouldn't fair well with that crowd and I also knew Ben well enough to know that neither of us actually fell alseep until the early hours of the morning, wishing there was something to speak about and recover a lost light in our lives.

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