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The plan to meet in the library after our next class took shape, we still had to round up Felicity, Alice and Ben.

"Lena and I can find the girls," Perry said, tapping her chin. "Adam, Ben is your roommate right, you can find him. Do you know what class he is in?"

"Uhm, I think he is in Tarot and Divination?" Adam said hesitantly. "But I don't really think-"

"I'll find Ben." Lena interjected, shooting Adam a knowing glance. He nodded slightly with a look of appreciation, there seemed to be a bigger picture I hadn't quite placed together yet, Adam and Ben had seemed fine in the common room last night?

As we converged in the library, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. The towering shelves of ancient records surrounded us, creating an atmosphere of quiet curiosity. Perry, Lena, and Adam arrived first, their expressions mirroring the weight of the situation.

"Any idea where we should start looking?" Lena asked, her fingers trailing along the spines of dusty books.

"I'd say check the section on ancient societies and rituals," Perry suggested, her eyes scanning the vast collection.

Felix and Felicity, as always, entered with a flair, drawing the attention of a few studious gazes. The awkward dynamic between Adam and Ben lingered, an unspoken tension palpable even in the midst of our shared quest.

Felix, eyeing the shelves with exaggerated curiosity, teased, "Anyone else feel like we're in one of those magical detective stories right now?"

As everyone gathered, Felicity's eyes sparkled with excitement as she pulled out a dusty tome titled 'The Leaders.' "Well, what do we have here?"

We huddled around the book, its pages revealing the history of 'The Leaders Society.' A group of powerful witches and warlocks had founded it with the goal of joining elementals, a feat they never achieved.

"Joining elementals? Seriously?" Felix quipped, exchanging a bemused look with Felicity.

"But that can't be- It doesn't make sense," Felicity replied, her skepticism giving way to newfound fear.

The revelation about their family's involvement in a similar concept added a layer of complexity. Felix and Felicity exchanged skeptical glances, their mother's references to a similar concept in her 'cult' suddenly taking on a new meaning. It was the first time they had mentioned this aspect of their family life to the rest of the group, and the revelation was met with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

As we continued reading, we stumbled upon instructions in the book, detailing rituals and practices. One benefit of joining 'The Leaders Society' was the ability to repel curses. The significance hit us like a revelation, and we knew we had stumbled upon a potential solution to our current predicament.

Gathering the book, we retreated to the familiar comfort of our common room. The air was charged with a newfound determination, yet moments of levity emerged amid the seriousness.

Lena, smiling at Felix, said, "Looks like our magical detective story just got a lot more interesting."

Felix, grinning back at her, replied, "Maybe we're onto something after all."

I liked seeing Felix happy with Lena, he had clearly been pining over her for years, it almost got exhausting. His dark hair fell over his eyes as he stared at her, his gaze never faltering. Lena unfortunately didn't notice his clear obsession and continues reading the book, mouthing the words as she went along each line.

On the other hand, the dynamic between Adam and Ben remained awkward. Observing their interactions, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more beneath the surface. The subtle glances, the hesitations—it all pointed to something unspoken. But it was rather onesided.

I was drawn to one person in particular, Adam. His eyes were almost permanently stuck to Ben, but not in a hostile way, more in the way Felix looked at Lena.

Perry, perceptive as always, was unraveling the same threads. Her keen eyes reflected a mind at work, piecing together the complexities that defined our group.

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