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I woke up, nervous for the dorm rooms to be posted, I hoped I would get a nice group of people in mine, people who could at least act as friends for a year.
I've never really had a group of my own friends, I mostly float from clique to clique, I guess that adds to my air elemental personality.

I've bever been the best at school, I'm nothing like Lena Black in my year, she seems so controlled and understanding of everything, even her best friend Felicity still does well in school and she's so popular people would literally throw themselves at her to be her tutor.

I've never really understood their friendship but I always admired their ability to stay together in their opposite personalities and even their opposite elementals, water and fire. There's a sort of duality behind their friendship that I find interesting.
Which is why I was happy to see their names next to mine on the dorm list.

Dorm no.5
"The Leaders Society"

•Black, Marlene                •Huntington, Adam
•Bradford, Alice                •Morgan, Felix
•Morgan, Felicity              •Reed, Benjamin
•Vos, Peregrine                 •Reyes, Owen

The teachers find it funny to give our dorm rooms names like "society" or "group" to incourage team building within them. However in my experience these methods never usually work.

I had only ever met Perry Vos once and that was because we were partnered for a lesson in Tarot & Divination in year 3.

She is an earth elemental and really lives up to that nature. Everything she does is careless and free, her refusual to wear proper uniform almost everyday is astonishing to me, everything about her is natural and freeing.

Very few earth elementals actually willingly go to school, especially one like Bruxeria. I think it's something to do with learning magic 'the proper way', like through experiences and not books.

I didn't really know any of the boys, I knew that Felix was Felicity's twin brother and his best friend is Owen Reyes. Owen is an air elemental, like me, however he is alot more spacy than me. I think the only class he was predicted to pass last year was drama class and that was no surprise, he is the lead male in every production our school does, alongside Felicity as the lead female.

Felix is Felicity in male form, they are both fire elementals and very strong characters, the type of people you don't forget. The Morgan twins are a name that will go down in Bruxeria social history.

I've only ever seen Adam Huntington and Ben Reed around school, we've never spoken. They are both extremely academic water elements and always fighting for the top spot in classes.

This year will be fun.

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