Vol.18 Ch.14: Dragging the Swordsmen Aside

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Ben explained in detail why everything was fine in Top and why the others shouldn't waste their precious time helping him out. Kai seemed convinced enough, but Yuel still exercised caution.

"Then, let's do it like this," Yuel suggested. "Nia's rotation will make her go to Top Jungle during the next wave anyway, so she can stick around there for a little longer. This won't waste much of her time, but it'll greatly boost our defensive options in Top."

"Ok." Nia nodded. "You want me to do that 'remote intimidation' thingy, right?"

"Yes, pretty much," Yuel said. "We'll use your presence to discourage the Orc from pushing. The rest of their team had already shown how anxious they are about your ganks, so I hope Appretence will be just as careful."

"Ok, but I don't have a good grasp over their wards yet," Nia said. "So, they might spot me."

"That's fine," Yuel said. "But, in case you feel like the enemy isn't aware of your position and you see the Orc overextending, then get ready to gank. But, make sure to discuss that decision with me first."


"Is this arrangement alright with you too, Ben?" Yuel asked.

"Yes," Ben answered. "If Nia doesn't mind this little detour, then it's better to be safe than sorry."

"Okay, then it's decided."

With this defensive plan in hand, the team greeted the second minion wave of the game.

Nia went about her usual routine in Top Jungle, trying to evade all enemy wards. Alas, it didn't quite work out...

"Gufu. I think they found me." Nia scowled. "I guess I'll just stick to that 'remote intimidation' plan then."

There was no longer any hope of invading Top undetected and stabbing that scary Orc in the back. In the past, Nia would've treated these sorts of situations as an absolute loss. But, not anymore. Yuel taught her the glass-half-full approach.

On one hand, the enemy was aware of Nia's presence, which denied her the chance to deliver a surprise gank. But, on the other hand, being aware of her presence will likely make the Leopards overly cautious, hurting their game plans in the process.

Just by being close by, Nia was applying pressure on the enemy without lifting a finger. It was that impressive "remote intimidation" thingy that Yuel preached so much about.

Does that mean the enemy thinks I'm "scary"? That's scary to think about. Nia smirked to herself as she farmed Top Jungle. She was like a Slenderman creeping in the darkness, scaring the living shit out of her potential victims without actually doing anything special.

How will Apprentece respond to this Slenderman? Will the guy exhibit the same amount of aggression as in the previous wave? Or, will he respect Nia's presence and play it safe?

As the next wave arrived, the answer soon revealed itself.

He doesn't seem scared at all... Ben gulped. Honestly, I was half this, but still...

Just like last time, Apprentece rolled in and assaulted Ben's bowmen with the sledgehammer. After making quick work of the squishy minions, Apprentece went after the swordsmen. He had no qualms about extending into enemy territory even with Nia right around the corner.

Truly, this Korean prodigy was fearless. So much, so that it was getting a little irritating.

He's not supposed to be able to get away with this. Ben stepped forward and fired a basic attack at the overconfident foe. There wasn't much else he could do in this situation anyway, so he might as well graze the Apprentece's HP a little.

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