Vol.15 Ch.1: The Reason for Dragging the Game

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The first game between the Leopards and Stratus came to an end. It was a one-sided match for the most part, but at the very last moment, Stratus launched an unexpected attack that threatened to turn the tides around.

Fortunately, the Leopards didn't submit to that wild assault. Even amidst the chaos, they exhibited their ironclad defense against the enemy's swift surprise attack.

While fending off the wild attackers, the Leopards ultimately sealed the deal and toppled the enemy Colossus.

In the end, the regional champions won, just as it was supposed to be. However, the ending left a bad aftertaste nonetheless.

I dragged the game out in order to aggravate our enemies, but... Cato frowned as he checked out his teammates.

There were sighs of relief, tired expressions, and eye rubbing. There were all signs of exhaustion and defeat. Even though they won, the Leopards looked far more drained than their opponents.

This wasn't in the script... Cato pursed his lips. He, too, was a little too tired for comfort. That last battle took a big toll on him, so much that he couldn't genuinely celebrate this victory.

Nevertheless, as the captain, Cato wasn't allowed to show such weaknesses. No matter how he felt about this conclusion, he was obligated to put on a smile and act confident.

"Good game, guys~" Cato forced his lips to curve into a smile. "That last part was a little intense, wasn't it? They really spooked us with that counterattack, haha."

"Yo, that last battle was wild!" Ronald grinned. "These mad lads really almost turned the tables on us. That dang Gunz even killed me, dammit! But hey, I protected my bro, so I did my job, right?" He turned to his older brother for confirmation.

"Yeah, you did well," William responded with a tired sigh.

"I always got your back, bro!" Ronald gave a thumbs up.

Out of everybody here, Ronald was the only one still brimming with energy. Either he was thickheaded enough to not be affected by that last battle, or he was just putting on a convincing front.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but... Cato made a face. For once, I'm glad we have one happy-go-lucky fool on our team. If the entire team was in a slump, then I'm not confident I would've been able to pull all of them on their feet. Then again, I'm sure Coach will do that just fine... oh, speaking of the devil.

Cato gulped as his eyes met with Rodriguez's. The coach was eagerly waiting for the team to step down the stage. That look in his eyes was quite familiar...

Oh no, I know that look, haha... Cato's smile twitched. He's going to chew us out, isn't he? Especially me, right? But, fair enough. A big part of it was my fault, so as the captain, I'll take responsibility for this.

The players of Stratus have already left the stage, but most of the Leopards still remained rooted in their seats, save for Cato and Ronald. Those two were on their feet, trying to inject some positivity into the dry atmosphere. But, it wasn't going too well.

Everybody was a little worn out by that last battle, but that wasn't all. They had a very good reason to remain seated and delay the inevitable.

They know Coach is going to reap us apart, haha... Cato smiled wryly. Honestly, I don't want to hear this lecture either, but we have no choice.

"Alrighty, let's go," Cato finally spoke up. "Don't worry, I'll tell Coach it was my decision to prolong the game."

"Of course you will," Sonya asserted. "I was going to report as much even if you tried to play dumb."

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