Vol.14 Ch.49: The End of the Chaos

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Damn, their defense is real cancer. Kai thought. I have to figure out how to- ah!

She noticed it a moment too late. While she was analyzing the situation, her target vanished from sight!

Winner just abandoned his position and advanced deeper into Stratus' territory, running straight toward the Colossus!

"S-Shit!" Kai cursed as she gave chase. Before she realized it, the entire situation flipped on its head!

She originally started her offense in order to defend the Colossus. Her job was to block off Winner's path, so she figured it was best to achieve that by aggressing on the guy.

But, without Kai noticing, Winner has been leading her by the nose the entire time. At some point during their duel, he successfully swapped positions with Kai! It was such a blunder on her end.

Fuck, how did I let that happen!? Kai cursed internally. I don't remember when I became such a Bronze player. Damn it!

Positioning and spacing were supposed to be two of Kai's strongest points. Yet, under these tense circumstances, she blundered real bad.

The entire fight, she was too preoccupied with not letting Winner get any closer to Merlin. She worked very hard to block off that route, to the point she almost forgot about her original mission: blocking off the road to the Colossus.

In a vacuum, her plan wasn't that bad. Using her sharp positioning sense, she was able to discourage Winner from advancing both toward the Colossus and toward Merlin.

But, her opponents were no pushovers. They realized what she was doing and pulled a fast one on her.

Because of Merlin's assault, Kai now had no chance of catching up to the Winner.

Goddamn it! I literally can't move! Kai ranted as her Bomber crawled forward, slower than a three-legged turtle. The slowdown debuff from Squall was a real bitch. At this rate, there was no hope of catching up to Winner...

No, wait! There's still one thing I can do! Kai glanced at the ticking timer on Satchel Charge. With it, she'd easily propel herself toward Winner within moments!

Alas, the skill was still on cooldown. After all, Kai just recently used it to initiate this very offense.

As such, Satchel Charge needed two more seconds to come online. Just two more seconds, that's all.

But, in this critical situation, these two seconds were fatal. And, Winner wasted no time getting to the Colossus.

WHISH! The Droid rolled across the floor toward his destination. He was clearly intent on using everything at his disposal in order to wrap up this game ASAP.

Was there nobody to stop this bastard? Nobody at all!?

It was the end. By all accounts, it looked as if Stratus was finished. There was no stopping the dangerous Hyper-Carry at this point.

But, at this darkest moment of the game - a last ray of hope shone upon them!

『An enemy has been killed!』

Finally, one of the ongoing battles came to an end. Lars successfully shot Challenger down, removing the pesky obstacle from his path.

It took him way longer than expected, considering it was a fight between a Carry and a Support. It attested to Challenger's impressive skill, as expected from a player chosen to play for the Leopards.

But now, the obstacle was gone and Lars was free to chase Winner. They still had a chance to turn this around!

"Lars!" Kai called out. "Do something about their Carry, at least for a few seconds! I'll be right there!"

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