Chapter Nine ~ Beginning

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(image by @___ on ig)

Regulus Black: Friday 12th October 1975


"why did you ask me to come here?" asked Regulus, accepting James' hand in help getting up onto the windowsill.

"I did some research and: it wont work!" James said, excitedly grabbing Regulus' arm. His skin tickled and he moved his arm away.

"What wont work?" He asked. James rolled his eyes.

"She cant just plant sperm into you, Reg, you can't get a girl pregnant just because you've got a dick," James said. Regulus ran his mind back for a few seconds before realising what James was talking about.

"I know," he said, simply. James furrowed his brow in confusion.

"How? Wait, what?! Regulus what do you mean you know?" James exclaimed. Regulus looked around the corridor. As usual, it was empty.

"I mean, i know that I can't just grow a dick and get a girl pregnant," Regulus snarled. In truth he was horrified that James had researched about the situation. "Mum isn't exactly blind to this fact either but shes already found a work around,".

"Which is?".

"Magic, of course. She's going to have my wife be impregnated by someone else and then just obliviate that memory so she never remembers having sex with him, only with me," Regulus muttered. The thought sickened him. To have sex with a woman. Not even one he particularly cared about, just a random pure blood woman. Merlin, the thought made him want to die all over again.

"Thats not fair!" James cried out suddenly. Regulus glanced at him warily.

"Whats not fair?".

"Why must someone else get to have sex with you?!". Regulus blinked a few times. He couldnt contemplate what James was saying. Who was he getting at? Why was so irritating for him to think someone else would get to have sex with Regulus? Before he could ask any of these questions however, James jumped down from the windowsill and ran down the corridor. Regulus was speechless.

"What on earth is the matter with him?" He thought.



"Lovely, Regulus!" Slughorn boomed. Regulus rolled his eyes. Dorcas snorted from behind him.

"Your description of the Polyjuice Potion is impeccable, I may have to replace it with the one in the textbook," said Slughorn, still reading over Regulus' shoulder. Regulus glanced at Evan and Barty, who were sat behind him. They were buried together, almost rolling with raucous laughter. He was saved from further embarrassment however, when the bell rang, signalling the end of the lesson.

"your description was just impeccable darling, honestly I could never have put it better myself," Barty mimicked, when they were out in the corridor.

"oh my dear baby regulus you're better than the bloody textbook, my favourite student," Evan giggled. Him and Barty started giggling to each other all over again and Regulus rolled his eyes. He was happy they were happy. But at the same time he wasn't happy. Dorcas touched his shoulder.

"what's wrong, Reggie?" she asked. regulus sighed.

"Well... this morning I had this strange encounter with James. Stranger than normal and that's saying alot," regulus began. Dorcas smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"What happened?" She asked.

"He just... we were talking and he said something really strange and then just... ran off?" Regulus said. Dorcas sighed.

"Would it hurt for me to ask what he said exactly?". Regulus stopped as they reached the dungeons.

"It was about sirius, so in a way, yes," he lied. He hadn't told his friends anything about what'd happened in relation to his mum, this pureblood girl or him undergoing a serious bodily change for the sake of the Noble House of Black. The conversation between James and him replayed in his head and as had been happening for the last hour he thought deeply about one particular part.

"Thats not fair!" James yelled.

"Whats not fair?".

"Why must someone else get to have sex with you?!".

Regulus was almost scared to admit what he was thinking.

Scared to admit the only reasonable but entirely unreasonable conclusion he had come to.

James Potter was jealous?

Jealous that Regulus was to have sex with someone? Someone that was not him?

Regulus had to speak to James.

"You look deep in thought Reg, what's up?" asked Barty as Regulus stayed hovering beside Cas' armchair. Barty and Evan were on the opposing sofa, Barty with his head in Evans lap and his legs splayed out across the rest of the couch.

"Nothing. I'm going for a walk," Regulus said hurriedly, before rushing out again. He was walking in complete solitude when all of a sudden he was dragged into a... cupboard?

"Who the fuck-" Regulus began, whipping around to see his capturer. And of course it was the man himself.

"The corridor was empty, we didn't have to hide," Regulus snarled, his eyes finally adjusting to the dark and realising who the person was.

"It's so funny though! When you lose your eloquencey for just a moment and your all flustered," James laughed. Regulus couldn't stop the smile that crossed his lips.

"Why did you pull me in here James?" asked Regulus.

"Well... I may have been told you were looking for me. And I decided, oh! why not make it interesting and see who can find who first," said James. He was stumbling over his words slightly as though suddenly realising he was trapped a small room with Regulus and they hadnt spoken since the strange interaction this morning and their chests were touching and his hands were constantly accidentally brushing against Regulus.

"Oh.... right," Regulus murmured, looking down. James didn't need to see the blush on his face that he knew would be visible even in the dark.

"Is something the matter, Reg?" Asked James, gently. "Why were you looking for me before?". Regulus looked up at James.

"I... I er..." Regulus didn't know how to get out the words he needed. So he settled for: "do you actually like Lily?". James looked confused. But the emotion showing most on his face was fear.

"of course I do," James murmured. Regulus raised an eyebrow.

"I do," James repeated, firmly. "She's been the love of my life since first year!".

"But that's not the point-".

"Look, Reg, whats the real issue. Your eyes are still blocked off, I can tell something's still bugging you," James said. Regulus shook his head, which was hard considering the small space.

"There's a Slytherin Vs Hufflepuff match on Sunday. If I loose, I'll tell you the truth. If I win, you tell me the truth," Regulus said. James grinned.


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