Chapter Seven ~ Friendship

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(Image by @sophithil on ig)

Regulus Black: Sunday 7th September 1975


"Regulus could you please come to my office after lunch?" asked professor slughorn, placing a hand on regulus shoulder. regulus rolled his eyes before turning and smiling at the man.

"of course, professor,". regulus would regret not coming up with a reason why not, once he found out the professors reason for calling him to his office.

"what does he want?" Asked Barty, glaring at the teachers back.

"not sure, but I'll find out soon enough," regulus studied his watch. "in about 3 minutes, lunch will be over,".

"its likely got something to do with potter," Evan murmured. Dorcas, Barty and Regulus all turned to look at him. He was facing the griffindor table and watching something intensely. the others turned to watch.

"slughorn and potter... regulus I think I know what's going on," said Dorcas. Barty groaned, putting his head in his hands.

"what?" asked regulus.

"I think hes giving you a tutor,". Evan and Regulus stared at Dorcas.

"what?!" Evan exclaimed. "why on earth would that be the case?!".

"well, if a teacher and a student are planning something with you-" Barty begun.

"mate that sounds really fucking weird," Evan interrupted, smirking. Dorcas, Barty and Regulus laughed.

"no but seriously," Barty continued. "I reckon you should go see what the want and we should go with you just incase,".

"incase what? unless my mother is going to show up and demand I return home, I truly am not worried," said regulus. Dorcas raised an eyebrow.

"alone in a room with potter and slughorn? you're sure you're not worried?" she asked. Evan and Barty giggled.

"yes, cassi. I'll be fine stop worrying," regulus muttered. just then the bell rang and the teachers began on their way to their classrooms. Regulus stood and made his own way to professor slughorn's classroom.

upon arrival, he found himself face to face with James Potter.

"reg! so glad you could come," said the boy.

"now now, Jamie boy. is that Regulus black?". it was professor slughorn, most likely calling from his office.

"yes, professor," called back Potter. There was a bit more shuffling and then Slughorn entered.

"right. this is yours," he handed Potter a stack of parchment with scrawly writing on the top one. "and this is yours,".

Regulus took his own stack, very disturbed by the pile.

"you may use the classroom. should only take about an hour and then you can be right on your way to-".

"professor, what about this lesson?" asked Potter. "we're missing it,". Regulus rolled his eyes. He didn't mind missing this lesson but if his parents asked why his lesson wasn't attended (professors had been given strict orders by Walpurga Black that if Regulus wasn't in class, they should alert her immediately) then should they find out he had been with James Potter, he'd be in a lot of trouble.

1975 ~ JegulusWhere stories live. Discover now