Pool Party

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Paintbrush Pov


Typical, cocky OJ hosting a pool party to celebrate his '5 1/2 Anniversary of Winning s1.' Since when was that a thing!? All I can do about moments like these is just roll my eyes.  I see OJ in the hallway and approach him.

"OJ! Hey! So.. Your pool party plan.. yeah, it's flawed." I walk beside him through the hall. "You can't swim." I honestly didn't know how he would react. but he just smirked.

"I know, but... I've been taking swim lessons!" He put his hands on his 'hips' proudly.

"That's good to hear!" I replied with some relief.

 He, then Picked up the pace. "Sorry, Paintbrush, I have to hurry. Uh, I'm kind of busy preparing things right now. Nice talking to you though." I stopped walking with him.

"Oh, okay. Cya OJ." Well, that answered my question. 

Then I saw Lightbulb waltz out of her room and down the hall with Test Tube in tow. They waved at OJ, he waved back, not slowing his pace. Lightbulb noticed me. Oh no. She started to run towards me. It was too awkward to speak to her after what happened like, two days ago. Test Tube trying to keep up with her. Lightbulb got to me and wrapped her arms around my 'neck.' My face got hot. I patted her on her head, she responded by flickering. I glanced at TT, she was smirking at us. I bet LB told her. I rolled my eyes at her, Lightbulb finally let go. 

"I haven't talked to you in SOOOO LOOONNGGG!!!" She wined.

"It's hasn't even been two days." I chuckled

She crossed her arms in a pout. "I don't caaree!!" She wined. I rolled my eyes.

"We better get going." Test Tube puts her hand on Lightbulb's shoulder. "You can talk to them when we get back." Lightbulb's sad face faded a bit.

"Okay!" I'm a little sad she can't stay and talk more, but they've got things to do. "Cya, Painty~" She skipped off with TT walking behind.

I watched them leave over my shoulder. I sighed..... wait. Lightbulb's not giving me the silent treatment after what happened... Maybe.... She liked me? HAHAHAHHA no way.


Lightbulb Pov


Tube caught up with me after I stopped skipping. She looked at me with a smug face that said 'you like them' I giggled with her.

"Come on Tube! They would never like me back." I rubbed my arm. Hurt by my own words.

"How do you know that?" She paused. "What if they aaddoorre youuu~" She poked me. I knew she was teasing.

"Tube! I pretty sure they despise me. They think I'm annoying, they barely want to talk to me, and on top of that, they don't care about anything I care about!" I listed the reasons on my fingers as I went. TT looked unimpressed. What does she want from me!? I told her the reasons why we weren't compatible! 

"Bulbous..." She looked down. "Let's just hurry to the store."


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