30. Visitor

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Bellona stood in the expansive training grounds of the Night Court, the air crackling with anticipation. The High Lady, cloaked in shadows, approached with an air of regal authority. "Bellona," she began, her voice a melodic blend of command and grace, "today, we hone your mastery over the winds."

As they delved into the training session, the Night Court's training grounds transformed. Ethereal mists swirled around them, responding to the High Lady's unspoken commands. Bellona's hair danced in the unseen breeze as she focused on harnessing the air currents around her.

The High Lady guided Bellona through intricate movements, teaching her to manipulate the very fabric of the atmosphere. The air became an extension of herself, an unseen force waiting at her command.

"Feel the currents, Bellona," the High Lady whispered. "They carry the essence of power. Channel that power through your veins."

Bellona closed her eyes, her senses heightened. She inhaled deeply, attuning herself to the subtle shifts in the air. With each breath, she felt the energy coursing through her, a harmonious connection with the unseen forces surrounding her. "Air is both gentle and fierce; it obeys those who understand it's nature".

Bellona closed her eyes, attuning herself to the subtle whispers of the breeze. Slowly, she extended her hands, attempting to shape the air. At first, it eluded her grasp, slipping through her fingers like mist.

Feyre, ever patient, guided her through the motions. "The key is balance. Control the flow, don't force it."

As Bellona focused, a gentle gust circled around her, lifting strands of her hair. A spark of achievement gleamed in her eyes. Feyre nodded approvingly.

"Now, let's explore your offensive capabilities," Feyre suggested, conjuring a swirling vortex of air. Bellona mirrored the gesture, albeit with a hint of uncertainty.

"Imagine the power within you," Feyre encouraged. "Channel it into the tempest you create."

With newfound determination, Bellona gathered the air, forming a controlled cyclone that whirled with controlled chaos. The training ground echoed with the harmonious symphony of their combined efforts.

Under the High Lady's guidance, Bellona unleashed gusts of wind, sending leaves spiraling into the air. The High Lady nodded in approval, her eyes gleaming with a quiet satisfaction. "Remember, Bellona," Feyre voice echoed through the darkened training grounds, "the winds carry both strength and subtlety. Embrace the duality, and you shall become a tempest for them."

Bellona sighed, "I just wish we had more time. I feel as if the next few weeks will be our calmest for a while".

Feyre smiled sadly, "I believe you're right".

Bellona and Feyre found respite beneath the sprawling branches of an ancient oak. The night air carried a sense of camaraderie as they sat together, sipping water from canteens, beads of sweat glistening on their foreheads.

Bellona, catching her breath, couldn't ignore the burning question any longer. "Feyre," she began hesitantly, "I've always wondered—why did you betray the Spring Court during the last war?"

Feyre's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions, her gaze momentarily distant. "It's complicated," she replied, a note of weariness in her voice.

Bellona's brows furrowed. "My father, the man you once loved, led the Spring Court. You turned against him and his people. I know what happened at Hybern but why did my people have to pay the price. Why?"

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