10. Smouldering Fire

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Nesta Archeron, the General of the Valkyries.

The two women didn't have a  storied history personally. Saved for the crimes that were committed by both of their courts, years before either of them were in the picture. Bellona knew of the stories about the stunning fae before her. How she was born a human, got chucked into a cauldron and came out a powerful female. How her cruelty ended kings and her wisdom unified armies.  How she saved her nephew, Nyx at the cost of the very powers people coveted.

Too bad she couldn't look into the future and see if he was worth it. Bellona mused, tapping her tanned fingers on the glass she held. The Night Court's family had suffered a great deal at the hands of the Spring Court, and Nesta obviously had a lot of scores to settle. But then again so did she. The oldest Archeron sister, who was older than her current opponent, had every intention of seizing the opportunity of a supposedly quiet family dinner to get her revenge.

Nesta wasn't going to let the opportunity to interrogate a guest go to waste. Especially not one from the Spring Court - they were always so cocky, like they were better than everyone else. "So here she is - the famed Bellona of the Spring Court. Daughter of the beast himself", Nesta cocked her head to the side, "tell me child, how is it you managed to get let out"

Seconds passed as the youth straightened, eyes burning with anticipation for a fight.

A silent challenge.

"I don't care for being stuck in a court," she said, "I prefer the freedom of the wild. Do you really think that for years I have been staying confined in a bloody castle? Believe it or not Nesta, I have been never weak enough to let myself be lorded over by anyone." A dig at the High Lady was perhaps not the smartest choice, being surrounded by her court, but she didn't care. "I'm not one to be confined, never was, never will be". She gave her a mocking look, "You paint me as a beast and then expect me to not run wild underneath the moon?" Bellona could feel the blood rushing through her veins, she could feel the rush of adrenaline, she could feel the hatred that had been rightfully growing since she was a kid.

"Come off it Auntie", her eyes flickered to Nyx, taking notice of the way his jaw was clenched. "She can't help sounding crazy, the lack of civilized conversation in that court has only increased in the past couple of years".

Bellona braced herself for the onslaught she knew was coming.

"She must feel terribly lonely there, after all we can only assume the rest of her spiteful family doesn't care for her. It's to be expected considering she's the living side of a coin that won't ever be whole again. I mean, it must be easier for them now that she's gone, they don't have a reminder of what they've lost meandering around every corner."

Only then he turned his gaze to Bellona.

" Maybe they would've shipped you off to your other relatives instead of a whole new court, but come to think of it", he tapped his ring adorned fingers on his chin, "they're all dead aren't they".

Several gasps were heard throughout the room, but no one bothered to reprimand him. Probably because they were thinking of what they had lost in that situation too.  All the pain and anger she'd felt over the years bubbled to the surface, and she allowed herself to feel it. To remember all the terrible things they've done. The High Lord of the Night Court and his father had killed her grandparents and uncles when her own father was young. Even though it was in retaliation of the murder of Nyx's auntie and grandmother, it still left an aching hole in her chest. She had no family left on her mothers side, they all perished when Hybern invaded their land. Phantom pains echoed around her heart as she thought of what life would be like if they survived. She knew that her oldest uncle, Taurus would've became High Lord. His children would've been the ones to feel the slow, crushing weight of living in the spotlight. Every movement and relationship being scrutinized by people they didn't know. They would've been the ones to have their worth measured in the creation of an alliance sealed by marriage.

But she often dreamt what it would be like to not feel so alone in her home. What if would've felt like to have someone to turn too, no matter what. She could imagine herself hanging out with them in the library nook she had, or laughing with them after training in the rings. Even showing them with excitement, the secret waterfall she found when riding out in the forests one day. She often wondered what it would've been like to grow up having built in friends, not ones that you could lose in a blink of an eye. But, she knew that was never going to happen, the dinner so far had confirmed how far that devastation would extend.

The Night Court had killed that dream and they would never stop until they got her too.

Hi guys, sorry this update is a bit late

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Hi guys, sorry this update is a bit late. School is kicking my arse already. I've got the next chapter nearly done and will post it in the next couple of days.

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