21. Getting Old

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Bellona glided through the opulent halls of the Day Court palace, her feet barely making a sound on the polished marble floors. The Grand Ball had been a whirlwind of glimmering gowns, laughter, and whispered secrets. It was the kind of event where everyone wore masks, both literal and figurative, hiding their true intentions beneath layers of silk and satin. Bellona, however, wore no mask. Her emerald eyes sparkled with mischief as she recalled the way she had danced with the High Lord, a man of power and charisma who had the entire court at his beck and call.

As she neared her room, her heart still danced to the memory of their waltz, the High Lord's strong arms guiding her with an almost possessive touch. She knew that such a dance was not without consequence. The whispers and sidelong glances of courtiers were hard to ignore, but Bellona was not one to bow to the expectations of others. She was a force to be reckoned with in the other Courts, a Lady of considerable influence in her own right.
Just as she reached for the door to her chamber, a voice as sharp as a blade sliced through the air. "Bellona!"

Startled, she turned to see Nyx striding towards her. His normally handsome face was twisted with anger, and his dark eyes smoldered with an intensity that rose her anger to meet his.
"Nyx," she replied coolly, raising an eyebrow. "Is there something you need?"
He stopped in front of her, his chest heaving with indignation. "I saw you," he hissed. "I saw you with the High Lord, the way you were looking at him, the way he was looking at you. You were flirting shamelessly!"
Bellona's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "Flirting? Is that what you call it, Nyx?"
His voice rose in a venomous snarl. "Don't play games with me, Bellona. You know what you were doing."
She crossed her arms, her patience wearing thin. "And what if I was? What business is it of yours, Nyx? Last I checked, you and I were not bound by any vows of fidelity."
Nyx's fists clenched at his sides, his handsome features contorted with rage. "You don't understand, Bellona. I... I care about you. As my best friend's sister".

Bellona's eyes flashed with anger. "You don't get to judge me, Nyx. You don't own me, and you certainly don't control me. I am my own person, and I will do as I please." Nyx took a step closer, his voice low and dangerous. "You're playing with fire, Bellona. The High Lord is not to be trifled with. If you think he's interested in anything more than a passing dalliance, you're a fool."
She met his gaze with unwavering determination. "I know exactly what I'm doing, Nyx. And if you can't accept that, then perhaps it's time for you to find someone else to care about."
The tension between them crackled in the air like lightning, and for a moment, it seemed as though they might come to blows. But then Nyx turned and stormed away, leaving Bellona standing alone in the hallway.

As she finally entered her room, Bellona couldn't help but sigh with a mix of frustration and relief. She had always known that her ambitions would draw the ire of those who couldn't keep pace with her, but she refused to be held back by anyone, not even someone she had once considered a friend. In the cutthroat ever changing world there was no room for sentimentality. Bellona would continue to dance to her own tune, consequences be damned

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