15. Fights

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The moon rose high in the autumn sky, it's pale light bathing the trees in the cool blue glow. Leaves rustled in the gentle breeze, and the quiet sounds of crickets chirping echoed through the courtyard. The cold night air bit at her skin, and she welcomed the sensation. She had left Rhysand grinning to himself and made her way down to the garden that she now sat in. The flowers that surrounded her were courtesy of the seer, Elain. Bellona could remember watching her tend to it the day before. The way she pruned her roses with the gentleness of a doe, her perfectly unmarried skin almost shining in the sunlight.

She traced along the ink on her collarbone as her eyes fluttered shut. Nature was her medicine, the balm that soothed her when she was anxious or stressed. But now, it only blended in with the numbness of her heart. The silence, the quiet, was the only thing that seemed to calm her, the only thing that gave her comfort. Too far gone, she didn't see the winged male standing alone in the doorway.
Watching her.


It had been a week since her talk with Rhysand. Every morning she got up and trained with Lysander. Cursing him and his affinity for exercising before the sun came up. She hadn't used her powers since, the supposed lessons she was to receive put on hold until the two royal fae got back from their little adventure they left for a few days ago.

The training rings were silent save for the sounds of steel on steel  and the grunts of exertion. Bellona, sweat dripping down her brow, pressed the attack against Lysander. She parried his blows, dancing away from his thrusts and his strikes. The pair had been at it for hours, Bellona's workout clothes a bit more tattered then when they started. Thankfully, the nicks from Lysander's sword never cutting her too deep.

He delivered a blow to her face, knocking her to the floor. Using all of his remaining strength, he kneed her in the gut. Hard.
"I won".
Bellona struggled to breathe as she crawled into a sitting position, her vision cloudy from banging her head on the hard ground.
"For fucks sake, bat junior".
Grinning, Lysander extended a calloused hand towards her.
She glared back. Taking his hand and kicking him right in the knees. His balance was off so it was easy for her to pull him down and push his infuriating face right into the practice mats.
"Actually I win".
He grunted as she increased the pressure on his neck, "rightio, that's enough for today".
"Is it?"

"Yes it is".
She stilled as she felt Nyx come to a stop in front of  her, his shadow covering her head from the hot sun. Fuck this. Begrudgingly she let Lysander out from underneath her. She rose on her tired legs until she was face to face with him.
His jaw was locked in annoyance, his brow furrowed. "You seem a little tense, Prince".
She smiled as she stretched out her bruised hands.
"You seem a little tired", he retorted.
She huffed.
Nyx paused for a moment, "I should've expected you not to be able to keep up with real warriors".
A spark of anger had her looking right at him, "I can go all day".
"Is that so? He widened his feet and steadied his hands. "Come on then".
Nyx let out a satisfied sigh as he watched Bellona clumsily tumble away from his lunge. She could feel the exhaustion creeping up on her, but she fought it as best she could. Nyx had a clear advantage, they both knew it. But she couldn't let him think that she was anything but someone who would gladly kick his arse, any day of the week.
The scent of blood and sweat hung in the air.
They fought each other as easy as if they were walking, the two of them refusing to give an inch. They each exchanged blows, Bellona managing to push Nyx back as she got a good hit right on his ribs.
"Is that all you got, pretty boy?, she taunted as she saw him wince.
Pain exploded across her face, her eyes involuntarily watering.
He had punched her right in the nose, sending her straight over the border of the training ring.
"Is that all you got", he mocked as he looked down at her.
"Oh for mother's sake", Bellona groaned as she touched a hand to her stinging nose. The pounding in her head was getting worse, and she could feel herself loosing consciousness. She moved her head to try and shake the feeling away, but it only served to make her head pound harder. She felt a hand on her shoulder and then the world turned black...

Who would even think to give a kid 7 seven assignments to be done in two weeks??? Like seriously, but anyways my holidays start next week so I'll have a lot more free time to write!

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Who would even think to give a kid 7 seven assignments to be done in two weeks??? Like seriously, but anyways my holidays start next week so I'll have a lot more free time to write!

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