25. Realisations

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Bellona felt the flicker of rage fueling her, the betrayal and deceit stoking the fires of her spirit. Nyx struggled to still stand, his movements sluggish, but his resolve burned brighter than ever.

As Arioch lunged forward, the battle began. Bellona moved with a grace honed from years of training, her movements marred by the faebane still coursing through her bloodstream. She knew they didn't have long before it completely rendered them useless.

Nyx, despite his injuries, fought alongside her, though weak, his strikes carried a determination that spoke volumes. He deflected Arioch's attacks, buying Bellona precious moments to strike back. Had this been a normal day, it wouldn't have been a struggle at all. But something dark flowed from Arioch, his power a manifestation of Rhysand's powers mixed with the cruelty and self righteousness of his mother's stolen ones.

In a moment of vulnerability, Arioch underestimated Nyx. With a surge of determination, Nyx summoned the last vestiges of his strength and landed a powerful blow, knocking Arioch to the ground. But not before a tendril of Arioch's power hit Nyx in the chest, sending the male to the ground at the entrance in which Arioch had arrived. Bellona watched as blood trickled from Nyx's mouth, his chest heaving.

Something strange roared in Bellona's chest, her eyes ablaze with fierce determination. She lunged at Arioch as her claws descended from her knuckles, slashing his throat and side. Not enough to kill, but enough to disable him for a moment and to buy them time to escape.

Bellona rushed to wear Nyx laid. "Stay with me, Nyx," Bellona whispered, her voice laced with urgency and worry. She couldn't afford to lose him, not now. "Nyx, hold on," she encouraged, reaching out to touch him, to share the strength she had left.
Nyx forced a weak smile, his eyes reflecting his gratitude and resolve. "We'll make it, Bellona. Together." Something unlocked inside of her as she surveyed Nyx's broken body, only now seeing the wounds that were older than the ones that he just received. She didn't know how long she was knocked out but Nyx must have been hurt greater in the initial attack.

Summoning the last reserves of her strength, Bellona tightened her grip on Nyx's hand. She could feel the pulse of their intertwined magic, a wellspring of potential. Determination flickered in her eyes as she focused on the image of Velaris, a haven where they could find solace and help.
"We can make it, Nyx," she murmured, her voice a rallying call, her mind set on their goal.
Nyx, weakened but resolute, nodded in agreement. He trusted Bellona's determination, her unwavering spirit. He tightened his grip on her hand, ready for what was to come.

With a burst of energy, Bellona tapped into the depths of her power, the magic surging through her like a torrent. It was an unspoken promise to Nyx, a vow to keep him safe, to get him home.
In an instant, they were enveloped in a blaze of light. Their surroundings dissolved, and when the light subsided, they found themselves at the edge of Velaris. The city sprawled before them, a sanctuary of light and hope.
"We made it," Nyx whispered, a mix of pain and gratitude in his eyes before his eyes closed and didn't reopen...


The wards of Velaris, sensitive to the ebb and flow of magic, resonated with a subtle shift. Rhysand, the High Lord of the Night Court, and Feyre, his mate and Lady of the Night Court, exchanged a knowing glance. Their spymaster, Azriel, stood ready, senses keenly attuned to the anomaly. Something significant had happened at the edge of their city.

Without hesitation, they linked hands and vanished from their home, reappearing at the location where the wards had alerted them. The scene that greeted them was one of heart-wrenching sorrow.
Bellona, sat on the ground, cradling Nyx, their son, in her arms. His injuries were grave, his face etched with pain. Feyre, a mother's anguish etched in her eyes, rushed forward, her heart breaking at the sight of their son.

"What happened?" Rhysand demanded, his voice laced with urgency and concern.
Bellona looked up, tears streaming down her face. "It was Arioch".
"Who?" Rhysand questioned anger lacing his words.
Without a reply, Bellona let down her walls, allowing Rhysand to see what had happened.
"Yes", Bellona said as Azriel stood beside her. "He's your son".

Feyre froze for a second. "What. did. she. just. say. Rhysand?"

"I had a son with Amarantha." Rhysand's voice broke.

Feyre's teary eyes widened as she turned back to her son as she replied, "how about we save our true son first." Feyre gently took Nyx from Bellona's arms, her voice trembling with emotion. "If he did this, Rhysand," her voice laced with venom, "he is no son of yours".

They transported Nyx to their home, where their best healers, led by Madja were already prepared. Feyre focused on her son, her magic mingling with the skilled hands of the healers, fighting to save Nyx's life.

Azriel guided Bellona away from the healing room, concern etched on his face. "We need to understand what happened. Arioch's motives, his plans."
Bellona nodded, her expression resolute. She recounted the events, the confrontation with Arioch, and his malevolent plan to take down the Spring and Night Courts.

"He didn't use his powers much during the fight," Bellona added, realization dawning on her. "He didn't want to kill us. He wanted us to experience the loss, to suffer like he did."

Azriel's eyes darkened with understanding. "Arioch's thirst for vengeance blinded him to everything else."
Meanwhile, Rhysand paced, torn between the safety of his son and the unfolding crisis. He had to trust in Feyre's healing abilities and the healers' expertise.

Bellona's voice trembled as she spoke of Arioch's motives. "I never suspected his true identity until it was too late. He feigned friendship for months, all to avenge his mother's death. But I can't help but feel as if it is something greater is coming to drown us".

Azriel took a deep breath, processing the information. "We'll deal with Arioch. For now, our priority is Nyx's recovery."

Bellona nodded, the weight of the situation settling heavily on her shoulders. She knew they faced a formidable adversary in Arioch. Even decades later, there were still fae loyal to Aramantha's cause, give them time and Bellona knew that they would float back to Arioch. There was no doubt that some had already begun to.

As Bellona was led away by the healers to tend to her own wounds, she felt a mixture of relief and apprehension. Nyx was in good hands, surrounded by skilled healers and his family. Yet, the events of the day weighed heavily on her, the exhaustion seeping into her bones.

The healers guided her to a room filled with soft light and soothing fragrances. Bellona could feel the comforting presence of magic in the air, a gentle reassurance that she was in capable hands. She allowed them to guide her onto a plush bed, her tired body craving rest.

As they began their work, their hands glowing with healing magic, Bellona felt the pain slowly ebb away. It was a relief to have the weight of her injuries lifted, the weariness of battle gradually fading.
"You need to rest," one of the healers advised, her voice soft and soothing.

Bellona nodded, her eyelids growing heavy. She closed her eyes, letting the magic do its work, the warmth and comfort lulling her into a peaceful state. Her mind drifted, memories of the day's events playing like a haunting melody in her thoughts.

As the healers worked on her, their gentle hands easing away her pain, Bellona fell deeper into the dream world. The sights and sounds around her blurred, and she found herself in a realm of ethereal landscapes, where memories and wishes danced.
In this dreamscape, she wandered, a solitary figure amidst the ever-changing tapestry of her mind. Fragments of her past flickered like stars in the night sky, illuminating her journey. She found solace in the memories of camaraderie and love, drawing strength from the bonds that had been tested but had endured.

Eventually, the dream world embraced her completely, and she fell into a deep, restorative sleep. In this realm, the weight of her worries lifted, replaced by the promise of hope and healing. As she rested, the healers' magic worked its wonders, mending her body and soul. The last peace she would know in a long time.


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