Chapter 15

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*First, thanks to all the positivity I've received on this story so far! I didn't expect it to take off like it has! I guess it was the new installment combined with the spooky season huh?
That being said, some of these chapters are gonna be filler and I apologize in advance for lack of interesting material as well as short chapters lol.
But I PROMISE it's gonna get juicy! At least I hope you'll think so!

Alessia's POV: I've done my best to detach myself from Mark's involvement with Jigsaw. So far it hasn't been much. Mostly just stealing files from the police station to give to Jigsaw so he can locate his test subjects.

But tonight is different. Jigsaw, or John as I learned his real name is, needs his help finalizing the next test. From what Mark explained to me, it's big. Given, Jigsaw's traps are usually elaborate. But this, this is an entire house with multiple people. And all of this is to test not just them, but Detective Matthews as well.

I don't know if John's teachings are rubbing off on me or if I just have a cynical view of things, but I always got a bad vibe from Eric Matthews. He was condescending, rude, and an overall narcissist. And that's just my impression of him. I can't imagine how his kid feels.

I insisted Mark bring me with tonight so I could see what goes on while he's away. It's already hard enough knowing his involved in these murders now because of John. But maybe if I can see how it's operating it'll put my mind at ease.

As we walked into the decrepit house, I got the opposite feeling. My gut hurt knowing that people were inevitably going to die in here.

"Well if I'm being honest, I'm surprised to see you again." John said as he approached us.

"What do you need me to do?" Mark snarled through his gritted teeth, obviously uncomfortable with the fact that John was talking to me so condescendingly.

"Check the furnace trap in the basement, make sure the locking mechanism on that works." John answered before coughing, "After that, give everything a once over before we get our players." Before Mark could respond, John was off.

"Go sit down, hopefully this won't take long." Mark kissed my forehead before begrudgingly heading to his task.

Meanwhile, I sat on the old, rickety staircase and waited. This still doesn't seem real. Mark isn't a killer. I know he's not. Yet, here I am, waiting for him to finish helping this notoriously depraved and psychopathic serial killer.

"Who the hell are you?" A woman's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see a woman with short, choppy brunette hair and a facial expression that screams she hates my guts.

"Sorry?" I asked, unsure of how to respond.

"Amanda, leave her alone." John called as he came over, "This is Detective Hoffman's girlfriend. She's just here to see how we work."

"I thought she was one of ours just not helping out." The woman, Amanda, replied, "Why are you here though? No one else can bring their family."

"Because unfortunately Alessia was in the wrong place at the wrong time when I needed to speak with Hoffman and she had to come with as collateral." John explained, "Therefore, she's in on this as well but she's not working under me unless she chooses to. Now leave her be and get back to your preparations. Absolutely nothing can go wrong with this game, understand Amanda?"

She nodded and scurried off, John eventually retreating as well.

Finally, Mark was done. At least with the setup. Apparently he still has to kidnap everyone and bring them here.

This is already disturbing enough, so that cloak and pig mask make it so much worse...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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