Chapter 13

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Alessia's POV: We found our car quickly and drove off just as fast. I didn't say anything, just stared out the window in complete shock. After driving for a bit, Mark pulled over and shut the car off.

"Alessia." He sighed, "I can explain."

"That man." I slowly started, my gaze making its way towards him, "What he said. Did you—" I couldn't get the words out. Either I know the truth deep down, or I refuse to verbalize any potential of it.

"Seth was a monster. He didn't deserve that chance he was handed." Mark said, "People like him don't change."

"I'm not asking for you to justify it!" I snapped, "I want the truth! Did you—" I swallowed hard, trying to push my feelings aside, "Did you kill him?" Mark was quiet, tapping his thumb against the steering wheel.

"Yes." He bluntly answered.

"And Steve?"

"He didn't kill himself." Mark explained, "I staged it to look that way."

I clenched my fists as I started crying, looking away from Mark again.

"Alessia—" He tried to rub my arm, but I shoved it away.

"I fucking trusted you Mark!" I yelled, ugly crying as I turned back towards him, "I haven't trusted a soul in so long, and I finally let my guard down only to fall into the lap of a murderer! Do you know how that feels?! To finally give someone a part of your heart after not being able to do so for so long, then have it ripped to shreds in a second?!"

"I do." He replied.

"How?! How Mark?!" I snapped again.

"Have you noticed me drinking as much since you moved in?"

"What? That's your excuse?!"

"What I'm trying to say is, I drank to cope with everything. You saw how drunk I was that night after telling you about Angel. She was my only family. After she was gone, I had no one. I don't even consider the others at the precinct friends because I don't let anyone in anymore. When you came along, I felt everything open up again. You know things about me no one else does, this included. I finally had someone to live for, to share my life with. I cut back on drinking because I didn't need it to deal with life as much. I finally had this shining beam of hope. But now I guess it's gone."

My crying slowed as he explained everything. I still don't know what to feel.

"Just—I just wanna go home. Drive." I stuttered, looking back out the window. Mark remained still for another moment before finally starting the car and continuing towards home.

Once inside the building, we took the elevator up as usual, but I stood on the opposite side instead of clinging to Mark as usual. I can't feel anything right now. Anger, sadness, fear, there's nothing. I'm just numb after all that happened.


The doors opened and we started walking. As Mark started unlocking his door, I walked past.

"Where are you going?" He asked, looking at me puzzled.

"I'm staying at my place tonight." I said, unlocking my door, "Maybe we'll talk in the morning." Mark looked at me, shocked. I didn't give him a chance to respond, but just went inside. Right now, all I want is to be alone and think things over.

What do I do now? I have this horrible knowledge of what Mark did. He killed two people. But they weren't innocent. Like he said, Seth was a monster, and as far as I'm concerned so was my ex Steve.

But they had no chance at escape. True rehabilitation. Jigsaw said he puts people in traps so they can appreciate what they have. Mark didn't give them that chance. He killed Seth in revenge, and Steve was in cold blood.

Although, would they truly have been rehabilitated if they lived?

I can't say for Seth. But I know Steve wouldn't have changed. He never did. His first thought after being paroled for a minor offense was to come and kill me. Who's to say after another stint in jail for that he wouldn't try again?

Maybe Mark had a point. But still, he's a killer, and Jigsaw wants him to continue.

Can I deal with that?...

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