Chapter 8

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Alessia's POV: "H-hi S-S-Steve." I stuttered, barely able to speak. His mere presence frightened me.

"Seems you're doing pretty well for yourself." He said, his gruff voice sending a terrified chill down my spine.

"P-p-please leave." I begged.

"I think we have some unfinished business Alessia." He replied, "If I remember correctly, we never ended things when I went to jail."

"I won't tell anyone you were here, I just want to be left alone." I whimpered, my eyes pleading with whatever bit of morality still resides within him.

"How can I trust that you'll do that Alessia?" He asked, leaning in, "You fled the moment I was locked up, that tells me you're an unreliable little bitch. You can promise me you won't tell anyone all you want. But only I can shut that pretty little mouth of yours."

My breath hitched and I panicked. Out of fear and instinct, I tried to slam the door in his face. But he stuck his boot in before it shut and barged in. I tried to scream, but he covered my mouth as soon as I did. Before I knew it, he was laying into me with his fists, throwing me across the apartment like a rag doll.

Mark's POV: I skipped the bar tonight. For some reason, my body was telling me drinking at home was a better idea. Maybe it will be. I can't be cut off at least.

I laid my head against the elevator wall, eyes closed, waiting to reach my floor. Could this damn thing go any slower? Maybe my body is just going through withdrawal already and needs that liquor.



I stepped out of the elevator and made my way to my apartment. But as I was going to unlock my door, something caught my eye. A stream of light. Alessia's door was slightly ajar. Odd. I went to unlock my door again, but my gut told me to go check on her. It's not normal for her to leave the door open.

I kept my hand on my holstered gun, slowly approaching the door. The closer I got, I swore I heard a muffled struggle. But it was difficult to make out if it was coming from her apartment or another. As I opened the door, my heart skipped a beat. The apartment was in disarray. There was a fight here. But who? Then it hit me.

Her ex.

It has to be him.

Things got eerily quiet. I started heading towards her bedroom, keeping my head on a swivel. I slowly and gently nudged the door open, and saw a bloodied and beaten Alessia on her bed, cowering. Before I could rush over to her, I was tackled into her dresser.

The man started punching me, doing everything he could to incapacitate me.

Alessia's POV: "Mark!" I hoarsely yelled, watching Steve wail on him. Mark threw him off and tried to fight back, but Steve threw him against my desk, knocking Mark unconscious. "No! Stop!"

"You had to open your mouth!" Steve yelled, getting on top of me.

"Please just stop!" I begged.

He didn't listen. Instead, he wrapped his hands around my throat, intending to kill me. He squeezed with all his strength, his knee additionally pressed against my chest. I was losing consciousness and felt my eyes rolling back, when I saw someone swing something at Steve's head, making him fall off me. I gasped for air, and realized Mark had pistol whipped him. He did it a few more times for good measure, before keeping him at gunpoint and calling for police.

"It's ok Alessia, it's over." He said as we waited. I couldn't respond.

Two of the officers that showed up were Officer Matthews and Officer Fisk, as Mark introduced them. As others took Steve away in handcuffs, Mark sat next to me on my bed, letting me cuddle close to him.

I actually felt safe next to him. Even before this I was starting to trust him. But he just busted in here and saved my life. I don't trust many people, but I can trust Mark.

"Why don't we head down to the station and take care of the booking for him?" Mathews asked Mark.

"Yeah, I'm coming." Mark replied. He started to get up, but I immediately grabbed onto him with a death grip.

"No!" I yelled, "Don't leave me! I don't want to be alone! Please don't leave!" By the end of my pleas I was crying.

"Ok, ok, I won't go." He quickly sat back down, pulling me in. "I won't leave you." I hugged Mark tightly, not wanting him to leave. I could see Mathews and Fisk shrug out the corner of my eye before they left. When things finally cleared out and we were alone, I started to doze off.

Mark kept his promise though. He didn't leave...

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