Chapter 3

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Alessia's POV: I finally managed to get a job close to my apartment. Seeing as I was previously a massage therapist before moving here, I was hoping to find a similar job once I relocated. Thankfully a new massage chain just opened up about thirty minutes away from my place, and I was hired. Today is my first day, which means I'll finally have some income this week. Mom always encouraged me to deposit some money into my savings account every week and not just my checking account, and thank goodness I listened. Even though I didn't completely wipe out my checking during the move, I got close, but I at least would've had my savings to fall back on.

After filling up my thermos with my precious coffee to make it through the day, I grabbed my keys, purse, and headed to the door. The moment I opened it though, I saw Mark standing there, looking like he was about to knock.

"Oh! Hi!" I said, mildly startled but smiling.

"Hey Alessia, sorry, I know it's early, I'm just getting ready to head to work."

"Oh it's fine, so am I." I assured him, "What's up?"

"I just wanted to bring you back your plate." He cautiously handed the cheap piece of dinnerware back to me, "The brownies were delicious by the way."

"Oh thank you!" I replied, placing the plate on the kitchen counter behind me, "Glad you liked them!"

"I uh - also wanted to give you these in return." He held out a pack of Oreos, "I'm not a good cook by any means but still wanted to return the favor, so I went with store bought." He let out a chuckle.

"Mark thank you, you're too sweet." I said, smiling at the gesture.

"Hey, you said you're heading to work too, mind if I walk down with 'ya?" He asked.

"I'd like that." I said. I put the Oreos down on the counter, locked my door, and the two of us slowly started making our way to the elevator. "So Mark, nice fancy suit, what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a detective." He answered.

"Oh cool. Honestly I wasn't expecting that."

"Why not?" He chuckled, acting offended.

"I don't know! You just—you don't give off that kind of vibe to me." I explained, "Plus, look where we live. I know why I live here, I still gotta recoup my moving costs. But I feel like a detective would be making a bit more money and would be living somewhere a bit nicer. Y know, somewhere with nicer hallway carpeting and lightbulbs that were changed at least once since the '80s. Hence why I didn't immediately think 'detective'."

"Ok ok ok, fair point." He said, the two of us getting in the elevator, "So, what vibe do I give off?"

I stared at him for a moment, trying to think about what my first impression of him on any given occasion would be.

"Lawyer." I finally answered. He rose an eyebrow.

"Lawyer? Really?"

"Maybe stockbroker." I tilt my head.

"Ok stockbroker might be worse." He chuckled, making me giggle a bit. The elevator doors opened and we both stepped out into the lobby. I wasn't out of the elevator for a second before someone harshly bumped into me, nearly knocking me over. Mark somehow had catlike reflexes and managed to use his arm as a brace. "Really?" He growled at the man as the elevator doors closed once again. "You ok?" He asked me, taking his arm away from my back.

"Yeah I'm good, pretty much been experiencing that nonstop since I got here." I explained, rubbing my arm.

While I'm surprisingly not bothered by Mark "protecting" me like that, I'm so glad he didn't grab me when he did it. Like, grab as in wrap his arm around me, y know? Thanks to my asshole of an ex, people touching me is a huge trigger, especially men. Yet, for some reason, Mark's arm touching my back didn't trigger anything inside me. My gut keeps telling me that Mark is a good guy, and I just feel like he's genuine, but my PTSD just wants to confuse me.

"People are fucking assholes nowadays." He replied, "When push comes to shove, shove 'em back." I gently chuckled. "After you." He held the entrance door open and we both walked outside.

"Well, I guess this is where we part ways and go make money." I said, making Mark chuckle this time. He started fiddling with his keys, obviously wanting to say something.

"Say, I think I might be getting off early tonight." He started, "Probably around five. You maybe wanna go get some coffee or something? So we can finally get to know each other better?" I smiled, a silent giggle escaping my lips.

"I'd love that." I replied, "Fortunately I just so happen to get off at the same time."

"Sounds like a plan." Mark said, "There's a nice little bistro not far from the police station. Only one nearby as a matter of fact. Wanna meet there?"

"I'm ok with that." I replied. "I'll see you then."

"See 'ya." Mark smirked, giving me a small nod as he walked off in the direction of his car...

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