Chapter 7

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Alessia's POV: "What do you mean paroled?" Mark asked, clearly confused.

"You're a detective you know what the hell that means!" I snapped. "I'm sorry I'm just panicking right now."

"I just mean, after what he did to you, how is he getting out?" Mark asked.

"I told you before, he got picked up on drug charges, the abuse didn't catch up to him." I said. My breathing was starting to pick up, and I began hyperventilating.

"Alessia." Mark said, noticing me panicking, "Alessia slow down. I'll look into it, and if you want I can send someone to patrol by your workplace to keep an eye out for him." I nodded, unable to speak. I was so shaken by everything I didn't take notice to Mark gently holding onto my arms. "Ok. I'll do that. Just stay calm, ok? I'll see what I can do." He opened my car door and helped me get in. "Drive carefully. You're all worked up, don't wanna have to respond to a car crash. Don't leave until you're calm ok?"

"Ok." I said, "Thank you." He gave me a small smirk before getting into his car. I just sat in the driver's seat, gripping onto the steering wheel, taking deep breaths so I could calm down enough to drive. When I finally left, it was only that point I noticed Mark leaving after me. He waited for me to leave to make sure I was ok.

Well, now we've both broken down in front of each other. Guess that makes up closer.

Mark's POV: I got the man's name from Alessia earlier today after I gave her a quick call. After having Fisk head out to keep an eye on her workplace, my first order of business was to get as much information on this fucker as possible. After typing his name into the database, it didn't take long to find information on him. Turns out he has a record of drug convictions. But he never stayed in jail for long.

The last one before this most recent one was right before he would've gotten with Alessia. I got sick to my stomach at the thought that he managed to stay under the radar with his drug use just to keep tormenting her. That entire time there was no arrest, no traffic stop, no search, nothing. The only one was the most recent which he was just paroled from.

And speaking of that, he's not on probation. He got out on "good behavior". From what I'm seeing, there's no restrictions. He can leave the state, so Alessia isn't just being unnecessarily paranoid in her worrying. Fucking ridiculous. He can't legally own a firearm, but that doesn't mean he won't get one.

I'm worried about her.

Alessia's POV: Despite how on edge I was all day, I managed to calm down. Mark sent over another detective from his department to patrol the area while I worked. And Mark called to check in and ask me for some more info on my ex so he could look him up. At this point, I'm ready to just get home, barricade my door, and go to bed.

But as I walked down the hallway towards my apartment, I had an eerie feeling. Something didn't feel right. I kept looking over my shoulder every few steps I took, listening for any noise other than my own footsteps. There was complete silence besides the thumps I was making. This was what made me uncomfortable. When I finally got to my door, I quickly unlocked it and rushed inside, locking it again. It was just my paranoia.

He fucked me up so badly didn't he? He's in a different state and has no clue where I am, meanwhile I'm terrified that he's going to be here already.

Thump thump thump

Footsteps came down the hall, stopping halfway. I assumed Mark was home, but I was too busy to check.

Thump thump thump

The steps continued before stopping again, followed by a knock on my door. Guess Mark wants to check on me instead. I sat down my dish towel and walked to the door.

But when I opened it, horror can't describe how I felt.

I was petrified to see him...

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