Chapter 6

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Mark's POV: I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, barely able to open my eyes. The sunlight leaking through my shut blinds wasn't helping at all. But at this point I'm used to that. With how much and how often I drink, hangovers are a near daily occurrence. All that differs between each one is just how bad the effects are and how much of the previous night I remember. Today, a lot seems like a blur. I can remember most of it, but it's when I got back here that everything becomes fuzzy.

Regardless, I need to get up. Work and all. So I slowly slid my bottom half out of bed so I could sit up, my headache getting worse momentarily. After a moment to let the room stop spinning, I stood up and galumphed my way to the kitchen. But I smelled coffee immediately. I don't remember setting the coffee maker last night? Usually I just brew a pot in the morning. But sure enough, when I reached the counter, a fresh pot was ready.


She came over. She heard me from her place down the hall. I couldn't get my door open because I was too drunk to hold onto my keys, so she came over to help. Then I just—vented to her.

"Aw fuck." I said out loud, facepalming as I remembered. Guess I don't have a filter when I'm inebriated. But she stayed here to make sure I was ok. She helped me get to bed, and she must've made the coffee for me. Or at the least set it to be ready before she left. In the short time I've known this woman she's already had to put up with my bullshit. She doesn't deserve this. I've got to apologize when I see her again.

Alessia's POV: Time for this worker bee to get to work again. I really love my job, I promise I do, but sometimes it's exhausting. I'm either completely booked out for the day, or I'm waiting hours between appointments. But it's money, and I'm qualified. So I can only complain so much.

Anyways, I locked my apartment door, but as I turned to walk down the hall I saw Mark doing the same at his door. He looked up at me awkwardly, and I just smirked in return.

"Hey." He calmly said as I approached.

"Sup drinky Smurf?" I jokingly asked. He chuckled, blushing out of embarrassment.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He replied, walking next to me as we slowly made our way to the elevator.

"Don't be." I said, "I understand what you're going through."

"Don't patronize me." He said, "I'm not looking for pity, and I don't want to pity you, but what I had to see was nothing compared to what you endured."

"I know you're trying to make me feel better or maybe trying to make yourself seem calm about everything, but Mark, you lost your sister." I bluntly replied, "You're allowed to have feelings about that. If what you're saying is true, and trust me I don't doubt it, you have a right to be upset. It's just as traumatizing."


There's the elevator.

We both walked in and waited for the doors to close as usual.

"Let's change the subject." I said, breaking the momentary silence, "How's your work been?"

"As normal as detective work can be I guess." He replied, "Another abuse case recently. That's really the only highlight. If you even wanna call it a highlight."

The elevator doors opened, and Mark gestured for me to go first.

Mark's POV: "How's work been for you?" I asked Alessia, holding the lobby door open for her.

"Literally boring." She answered, "I massage people for a living Mark, most interesting thing that happens is if a towel slips. And when that happens it's usually on the client you don't want it to happen on." I couldn't stop myself from chuckling at that last remark.

As we reached our cars, which we parked next to each other for ease of conversations like these, Alessia's phone started ringing.

"One minute." She said, pulling it out of her purse, "Hello? Yes this is her." The longer the person on the other end spoke, the more distressed Alessia looked. By the time she ended the call, she looked shell shocked.

"You ok? What happened?" I asked. She took a moment to respond.

"My ex." She trailed off, "He—he got paroled. He's out of prison ."...

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