⚖️/Chapter 33

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The man nodded and laughed, he then spoke.
"Great, I'll pay you 1.000.000 mora per month. Do we have a deal?"
He said, he definitely didn't seem like someone to trust...

Wriothesley was surprised to see the huge number, he needed a few seconds to realize that it was true and that he would earn that amount every month. He thought about it for a second, then slowly nodded.
He spoke with a small nervous smile on his face.
"We have a deal."
He said. But something was strange about that offer, he felt like the man could betray him in the end or something like that, he didn't fully trust him.

The man took the papers signed by Wriothesley, he nodded.
"Very well, Mr. Wriothesley! I'll see you tomorrow evening, thank you."
He said, and before Wriothesley could say anything, the room went completely dark and the man disappeared.

Wriothesley looked around the room, trying to see if the man was still there. But it was clear that he had disappeared all of a sudden, he knew that it was too good to be true at this moment. But this offer was too tempting, he had to go to Meropide and see what would happen next.
"Wait...did I just sign a contract with a mysterious man?"
He asked quietly, looking confused. But then he realized that there was nothing he could do now about this offer, he had to go back to the prison tomorrow evening.

The time had come, it was the night of the day Wriothesley was supposed to go back to the Fortress of Meropide. Neuvillette was home, he was waiting for Wriothesley to start cooking their dinner like always.
"Wrio, it's getting late! Your dinner is almost ready, come home as soon as possible."
Neuvillette sent him a text, saying that he should quickly go back home. He got a little bit worried when he wrote that text, and he was curious about what was going to happen.

Neuvillette sent him the message, yet Wriothesley did not receive it. Why was that? It was a weird scenario.

Wriothesley didn't answer and he was still in the city somewhere. He was supposed to be home at this time, but since he wasn't there, Neuvillette was also a little bit worried. What was happening? He said that he would be back before dinner time, but he wasn't?
"He always comes back home on time...why isn't he coming back now?"
Neuvillette thought as he was cooking their dinner, he was more worried since he never received an answer from Wriothesley.

While Neuvillette was cooking, Wriothesley was trapped with Fatui around him, threatening him with a gun to his head.
"Your criminal record was highlighted by the paper you signed, right?"
They asked, unaware that Wriothesley actually thought the role was for him to get his job back. Because in fact, there were letters on the paper that could only be seen with a certain light on them, and the letters said that Wriothesley would serve a death sentence for his crimes. Apparently this time there was no escape and no plans.

Wriothesley was shocked when he heard the news, he didn't expect that. He didn't want to end up dying right now. He tried to speak but since there was a gun pointed to his head he couldn't say anything. He was silent as he was still trying to process what would happen to him now.
"I...I have to tell Neuvillette this...what if he never hears a word from me again? No, I can't die...i..."
He thought, as the Fatui soldiers took him away to a mysterious location.

Wriothesley was now sitting in a dark room, his hands and legs were chained to the walls and he was still wearing his signature dark black dress coat. He didn't know what to expect from this moment, and he couldn't speak, the Fatui soldiers were watching him and their guns were always pointed at his head. He was thinking of Neuvillette and how he couldn't tell him what was happening, he felt hopeless. He was stuck here, he felt like this was a trap all along, but why was this happening to him?

A mysterious person walked inside the room and sat across from Wriothesley. The person was wearing a dark cloak, the person couldn't be seen clearly since it was all too dark. The person started to speak in a strange language, Wriothesley couldn't understand a single word. But then the person spoke in Fontainean, and it was all clear to him. It was someone he knew before he got his old job back, someone that worked at the Fortress of Meropide.
"So, the infamous Duke of Meropide...what a nice surprise."

Wriothesley's eyes widened, it was the previous Fortress Administrator, the one that he replaced. He was also wondering how the person knew about his past. Was he known as "the infamous Duke of Meropide"? He felt very embarrassed and sad at the same time.
"You're...what do you want from me?"
He asked, feeling quite nervous about the whole situation. He was afraid since the person knew about him and what he did. He wanted answers, or to know what his fate would be.

"Your life. I'm the man who gave you the paper to sign, but apparently my voice was too strained for you to recognize me."
The man in black said, pulling out a gun and pointing it at the center of Wriothesley's head.
"Your crimes will not be forgiven, and knowing that you faked your death years ago, neither will that help you survive."

Wriothesley was shocked when he heard those words. A gun was being pointed to his head, he couldn't escape. The man knew who he was and what he did, he felt regretful and hopeless for a moment. He tried to speak again.
"Don't do it...please."
He asked with a scared voice, as he tried to move himself away from those guns that were about to kill him.
He couldn't fake his own death again, so this probably wasn't good news at all. Maybe this was the end of his life, he hoped it wasn't.

The man laughed, his laugh echoing throughout the room, and the fatui were looking at Wriothesley to make sure he wasn't going to run away.
"And don't worry, your daughter will stay with Clorinde and Navia if your husband doesn't have time for her. I won't hurt your family."
He said, before shooting Wriothesley in the head, which made a loud sound, blood dripping from his neck.

"My family...I want them to be...happy."
Wriothesley thought, feeling hopeless. He knew that he was going to die after that bullet hit his head, and he wished that Neuvillette and his daughter were safe. This was too much for him, it was all ending too fast. He was going to miss Neuvillette and his daughter more than anything else in this world.
"I'm sorry...Neuvillette."
He whispered, his last thoughts before dying, with sadness and regret...

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