⚖️/Chapter 31

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Neuvillette knocked on the door of Sigewinne's room, he smiled and spoke.
"Good morning, sweetheart. I have some good news to you, but you need to hear carefully, okay?"
He said, as he stepped inside the room and sat by her side, smiling warmly...

Sigewinne was playing with some toys, it was a typical day on her life. She didn't know that her dad was back, she was so excited to hear that news and she already thought about it.
"What is it, daddy?"
She spoke softly, her voice was cute and innocent.
"I'm all ears!"
She said, she was happy to be able to hear news from Neuvillette.

Neuvillette smiled, he spoke slowly.
"So... Darling, you remember Wriothesley?"
He said softly, wanting to go slowly about the situation.

Sigewinne didn't understand the question for a moment.
"Daddy, what do you mean if I remember Wriothesley, of course I remember him! He's my dad."
She said softly, she was confused.
"Is... is he here?"
She asked a bit quickly, she wanted to see her dad again so badly since she missed him so much for the past 1 year.

Neuvillette nodded, he smiled at her softly.
"Yes! He didn't die, it was a part of his plan to escape prison."
He said, his voice calm as he didn't wanna stress his daughter so much.

Sigewinne gasped right away.
"He's alive!!"
She said, her eyes brightened and her lips immediately grew a big smile on it. She jumped from her bed, she wanted to see her dad so fast now. She tried to open the door, but it was locked sadly so she couldn't escape her room.
"Please daddy, let me out! I want to see him! I want to hug him!!!"
She said all of this in a nervous and very excited tone.

Neuvillette laughed softly, he opened the door and looked at Sigewinne, he was glad to see his daughter so happy.
"Okay sweetie, be careful, don't scare him."
He said as he opened the door, Sigewinne ran outside to see Wriothesley. Neuvillette walked until he reached both of them.

Sigewinne was running all over the house to find Wriothesley. She wanted to see her dad again, she just wanted a hug from him.
But after a few seconds, she could hear a car outside and then she saw Wriothesley opening the car door.
She ran towards him, crying and smiling at the same time which is so cute. She embraced him tightly and started to cry on his shoulder.
"I missed you so much, dad."
She said while still crying, she was too happy to see her dad after all this time.

Neuvillette walked towards them, he stayed at Wriothesley's side and smiled warmly, he loved seeing his daughter so happy.

Wriothesley smiled softly when he felt Sigewinne cry against him, it was adorable and he couldn't be more happier to see his little girl again. His voice was soft and calm, he wanted to comfort her in any way possible.
"Hey sweetheart, I missed you too... I'm sorry I couldn't see you for 1 year, I hope you weren't too sad without seeing me."
He spoke, still keeping Sigewinne close to him.

Neuvillette hugged Wriothesley from behind, kissing his neck and smiling, happy to be with his family again.

Sigewinne hugged Wriothesley very tightly, she kept crying of happiness. She thought her dad was dead but... He was alive! This was such good news.
"I missed you every day dad! I'm so happy you're here, I'm so so so happy!"
She said.

Wriothesley's eyes were filled with tears of joy, he couldn't believe he was with Sigewinne again after 1 year. He kept holding her tightly, he knew how much she missed him and loved him that he felt like he was in paradise.
"I missed you too sweetheart, I always thought of you while I was in prison...but I'm here now!"
His voice was so relaxed and he was so happy to be with his family again. He then turned to Neuvillette and said something.
"I love you, Neuvillette."

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