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Y/ns Pov:

Today was 1st September hehe, which meant that it was Jungkooks birthday, it's been 2 months since I've re-gained my vision which was a shock to everyone.

But I've adjusted and Jungkooks been my biggest happiness, he seems sick these days but I've given him some soup and Bread. Recently I've started making and baking complicated dishes for him to.

He loves them and eats everything up clean.

Running up to him, i covered his eyes with my hands. He smiled.
"Hey Lily" he said before turning around and hugging me.

"Happy Birthday ~" i said smiling.
"Thank you" he said. He wasnt excited tho.

"Why so gloomy? Not excited?"

"Trust me Sweetheart I've been through birthdays a million times." He smiled.

I smiled back, my heart fluttering at the nickname.

"Well I'm off to shopping now" i said holding his hand.

"Shopping? Want me to come along?"

"NOPE. ITS A SURPRISE" i said excitedly kissing his cheek and running out the door.

He's gonna love it.
Jks Pov:

"When are you planning to tell her the truth?" Yoongi Hyung asked. Making me turn around and look at him.

"As soon as Chois out of the way." I replied. My main goal was keeping Y/n safe and keeping Choi away and currently there was no sign of him plus, Namjoon hyung managed to put a protection spell on Y/n which calmed my heart a bit.

"Planning to get rid of me so soon?"
A voice i ddint want to hear said. Choi what the fuck?

"Choi. It's not a pleasure." I said, smiling.

But then he took out something that made my chest hurt and made me fall to the ground.

Yoongi hyung was about to help me before he was pushed back.

What the hell?

"The Cursed Blade." Said choi smiling

"I heard you gave up almost 50% of your powers to Goddess Pancaea. Well. Hasn't she done me a favour" he said pointing the sword straight to my chest.

Making me groan and cough out just a little bit of blood, my vision grew blurry, as I saw two of Chois men hold me up while I was still on my knees. Sweat covered my forehead.

All that went through my mind was Y/n.

Y/n Pov:

Currently I was on my way home. I had planned the entire day out, first I would make Jungkook his favourite Dinner. Along with his favourite drink. Then, gift him this.

It was my father's Watch, i do miss my father dearly, and I promised him to give this watch to a man that treats me the way he did. So I went to get it repaired and polished a little more on Jungkooks style.

I looked at the box and smiled.

Stepping off the bus, i walked up to the house, only to see a large Black cat parked infront of our home. It ddint belong to me now Jungkook. And now the door was wide open.

Was everything okay?

Gathering all my courage i walked inside,
The sight infront of me made my heart drop to the pit of my stomach.

Jungkook, on his knees, held up by Two men, bleeding and bruised, while the man infront of him, hit him and cursed at him, i dropped the box and the bags i had in my hand, catching their attention.

"Y/N RUN! GET OUT!" Jungkook yelled trying to get up, only to be pushed down by the men harshly.

Tears gathered in my eyes, as my breathing got heavier, all I could see was him bleeding and bruised.

"RUN LILY RUN!" he kept yelling, only to be punched by the man infront. Making him cough.

"Welcome Lily" the man said. I didn't like that.

Hands on my chest i was clutching the fabric of my sweater tight.

The man then approached me, i yelped in pain, i struggled and I wanted to run, But looking at Jeon in that state i couldn' legs they gave up.

The man headlocked me and stood infront of Jungkook, finally sobs made their way out of my mouth.

"Awww lily don't cry, see this man infront of you? He's nothing but a fraud" he said. Into my ears, loud enough for Jungkook to hear,

But what did he mean? Fraud?

"A liar!" He kicked him.

"STOP IT!" i yelled out, making him throw me to 2 of his men.

"Stop it?" He yelled, grabbing jungkooks hair and making him look at me.

"Sweetheart the man your yelling for is nothing but a liar." He smiled.

"See Y/n. We're not ordinary people, your beloved is not a ordinary human, infact he's not human at all, he's well was a powerful powerful God of Elayne. Now we'll a Demi-god" he laughed.

I just stared at them in confusion.

"Oh sweetheart, confused?" He asked laughing again.

"Let me demonstrate" he moved his hands, as a red ball of fire appeared in them as he moved it close to my face. I could feel the heat on my skin. As i yelled out in pain.

"LET HER GO CHOI!" Jungkook yelled.

"Getting mad are we?" Choi smiled. Making Jungkook groan and struggle in the arms of his men.

"Now Ms Kim" choi looked back at me, piercing my cheek with his knife, ignoring jungkooks yells and protests to stop.

"We are from the Realm. Of Elayne. Your lover here brough us nothing but pain and suffering!" He spat.

"So now I'm doing the same no? Isn't that fair?" He smiled.

I looked at him. "If all of this is true. I hope you never get your revenge." I spat.

He smiled. "Awww still fighting for him huh? Well will you still fight for him if I tell you this?" He said making me confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't listen to him lily!" Jungkook yelled. Making choi laugh.

"Jungkook was planning to break the necklace. This necklace" he said holding my Ruby Red necklace,

"He was planning to break the bond between you and him. And make you forget everything about him. So see darling, to him your love was just a burden " he said tugging on the necklace.

My heart ached. I was a burden?


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