✮ Dark intentions ✮

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Jimin sprinted towards Taehyung, a vase gripped tightly in his hands, fury etched on his face, he exclaimed, "I'll kill you, Taehyung!"

Taehyung, taken aback, hastily grabbed a nearby pillow, using it as a shield to protect himself from Jimin's evident anger. "I'm sorry, Jimin, but it's not my fault!" Taehyung pleaded, his voice tinged with panic as he attempted to fend off the incoming storm of Jimin's wrath.

The room filled with a frenzied energy as Jimin closed in, the vase poised dangerously. Taehyung's attempts to defend himself seemed futile in the face of Jimin's relentless pursuit.

In the wake of the heated moment, Jimin found himself collapsing onto the edge of the bed, the vase now resting forgotten in his trembling grip. His features contorted from fury to an expression of profound sadness, a torrent of emotions cascading through him.

With a heavy heart, Jimin began to recount his tumultuous meeting with Jungkook. "I just... had the worst meeting with Jungkook," he started, his voice carrying the weight of disappointment and frustration.
"He's adamant about the marriage, Taehyung. I tried to reason with him, to explain that I'm not ready for this, that I'm too young, but..." Jimin's voice trailed off, choked with emotion.

Taehyung, still holding the pillow approached Jimin."Hey, it's okay, chim. Take a breath," he offered gently, trying to calm his friend. "What exactly happened?" Taehyung inquired, his concern evident as he took a seat beside Jimin, a supportive presence in the midst of his distress.

"He just wouldn't listen, Tae. He said it doesn't matter what I want, that he's doing this for himself and his empire," Jimin continued, his voice quivering with a mix of sadness and indignation. "He didn't care about my opinion, about how I felt. It felt like he was cornering me," Jimin explained, his frustration evident in his recounting of the conversation with Jungkook.

Taehyung placed a comforting hand on Jimin's shoulder, offering solace in the midst of his friend's turmoil. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Jimin. But you know you have options. You can talk to your father about this, explain your side," Taehyung suggested, trying to offer a glimmer of hope amidst the despair.

Jimin sighed heavily, the weight of the situation bearing down on him. "But I can't refuse now, Tae. I already committed to appa. I feel trapped in this mess; it's all so complicated'' he confessed, his voice laced with helplessness. The room seemed to echo with the gravity of Jimin's emotional turmoil, the confrontation now replaced with a poignant moment of vulnerability and distress between the two friends.

In a wave of frustration, Jimin's voice trembled as he poured out his grievances. "I did everything, Tae. I put up this whole drama, tried to make him understand, but Jungkook didn't listen to a single word," he lamented, his tone a mix of exasperation and disbelief. "He saw through every lie, every attempt I made to explain why I can't do this, why I'm not ready," Jimin continued, his words choked with emotion.

"He caught me at every turn, as if he was two steps ahead of me the entire time," Jimin confessed, the weight of Jungkook's perceptiveness weighing heavily on him.

Taehyung listened intently, a furrow forming on his brow as he absorbed Jimin's distress. "It's not your fault, Jimin. You did what you thought was right," Taehyung offered, attempting to reassure his friend in the face of his evident anguish."Sometimes things don't go as planned, but you have the strength to navigate through this," Taehyung encouraged, hoping to uplift Jimin's spirits amid the overwhelming situation.

In a frustrated tone, Jimin continued, "And on top of everything, he's just too handsome, it's almost intimidating. I felt like I couldn't even breathe properly around him." His voice carried a mix of awe and exasperation, acknowledging the overpowering effect of Jungkook's striking appearance.

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