✮ fake tears and disguises ✮

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Third person's POV:

In the luxurious hotel room, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin meticulously pieced together an unconventional disguise for Jimin. The setting was akin to a makeshift costume room, scattered with an assortment of peculiar, mismatched clothing, an outdated wig, and a pair of oversized, unfashionable glasses.

Taehyung presented the outdated wig with a playful yet mischievous grin. "This wig screams 'vintage', Jimin! Perfect for a whole new you."Jin gathered an array of clothes that clashed in colors, patterns, and eras, deliberately creating a dissonant ensemble.
"Let's go for a style that's intentionally mismatched. The more bizarre, the better."

Jimin looked at his reflection in the mirror, barely recognizing himself in the deliberately odd getup. The wig, an amalgamation of different hues and unruly strands, coupled with the clashing attire and unflattering glasses, created a look that was far from his usual style."Do you really think this will work?" Jimin questioned, a tinge of uncertainty coloring his voice.

Taehyung reassured him with enthusiasm, "Absolutely! You look so different; it's perfect."With a mixture of nerves and determination, Jimin embraced the intentionally eccentric appearance. He knew that to influence Jungkook's opinion without outright rejecting his father's wishes, this unconventional attire was a necessary step.Upon the completion of the disguise, Jimin couldn't help but feel a jolt of horror as he observed his transformed appearance in the mirror. "I look... I look so... ugly," he exclaimed in dismay, a pout forming on his lips.Taehyung and Jin exchanged a glance, quickly trying to comfort their friend. "It's all part of the plan, Jimin. Remember, it's not forever," Jin reassured, hoping to alleviate Jimin's distress.


In the opulent setting of the high-end restaurant, Jimin confidently approached the reception desk, sporting an intentionally unconventional appearance that raised eyebrows among the staff. His outfit, a mismatched array of vivid colors and clashing patterns, along with the offbeat wig and oversized glasses, stood out prominently in the elegant establishment.

In the sophisticated ambiance of the high-end restaurant, Jimin confidently approached the reception desk, donning an intentionally bold and unconventional ensemble. The vibrant, mismatched attire, coupled with an eccentric wig and oversized, out-of-fashion glasses, immediately drew the curious gaze of the staff.

"Could you check if there's a reservation under Jeon Jungkook's name?" Jimin inquired, accompanied by a confident smile that contrasted sharply with his offbeat appearance.

The staff exchanged surprised glances, caught slightly off guard by the eccentricity of Jimin's outfit. "Of course, sir," one of them replied, trying to maintain professional composure amidst their intrigue.As they led Jimin towards the designated table. Catching the lingering glances of the staff, he quirked an eyebrow and asked "Is there something on my face?"

The staff member, a bit flustered, quickly reassured, "No, sir, absolutely not."

"Then why the curious stares?" Jimin teased, his playful sass evident in his voice.

Apologetically, the staff member attempted to explain, "I'm sorry, sir. It's just... your attire is quite distinctive."

With confident smile, Jimin quipped, "Distinctive is the new trend, didn't you know?"
the staff quickly apologized for any unintended discomfort caused by their intrigue and ensured a smooth and welcoming dining experience for him.

Jimin, seated at the table, fiddled nervously with the utensils as he awaited Jungkook's arrival. Anxious thoughts raced through his mind, the concocted appearance leaving him uncertain about the impending meeting. A tiny voice of hope lingered, wishing that perhaps Jungkook might find his disguised appearance off-putting, potentially leading to a rejection of the proposed marriage.

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