The Tell-Tale Vibrator

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1st person POV:

"It's cool, I guess?"


Jesus Christ, this man is insane.

I look up at the clock and see I have 15 minutes remaining. Groaning, I turn to Canary, who is deadass ANNOTATING his fursona.

"Canary, we don't actually have to do that," I whisper.

"Ik, but I don't want him to throw a chair at me," Canary replies, using her pencil to point at Mr.List, who was throwing chairs at students who didn't like his fursona.

"..." I then take my pencil and start annotating his fursona.


I start walking to my next class, Nen Training.

Room 2217?

Looking up at the sign, I see the numbers match up. As I sit in a random spot, I see my teacher for the day.

"Hello, class. I'm your substitute, Mr. Hill. I usually teach personal finance and economics, however, your teacher called in sick. Today will mostly consist of a study hall, so work on other class work, while I take roll call," he announces.

Immediately, I could tell this hour was going to be awful.

"Shit, he could teach me some personal things."

"Fr, like, might need some extra credit after school."

All I could hear were boys and girls talking about his "hot appearance."



"Is (Name) (Last Name) here?"


I had to tone everyone out, so I didn't hear him call my name out.

"So, you're (Name)," the girl next to me asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Kurapika talks about you a lot," she informs me.

"Um, who are you," I ask.

"Baise. I work with Kurapika at the mall," she introduces.

"Is it fun working there? I've been looking for a job recently," I ask.

"It's decent. You work long hours, but not as long as movie theater workers."

"How much do you make an hour," I question.

"$16.50 an hour, but that's just where I work. You should put an application in for Popular Materials, you'll fit right in" Baise suggests, looking me up and down. (Popular Materials is a parody of Hot Topic)

She thinks I'm emo, doesn't she?

(Another side note, while I don't choose what you wear and what music you listen to, it will be majorly hinted at that you switch between Goth and Emo style/music)

Before I can get another word in, someone slams the door open.

Is that Feitan?

He throws his tardy pass at the sub and looks around. While everyone is whispering about what he just did, he makes eye contact with me and heads in my direction.

Go away! Don't draw attention to me!

Everyone keeps whispering while switching between looking at me and looking at him.

Stop looking at me!

Too late. He pulled a chair out from under someone and placed it next to mine. While the other person glared at him from the floor, I tried to maintain eye contact with Baise and ignore him.

"Anyways, if Popular Materials doesn't work out, try Jasons," Baise recommends, getting the hint I'm ignoring him. (Jasons is a parody of Spencers)

"Yeah, there's nothing I'd love more than to be surrounded by vibrators," I joke. Baise seems to lighten up and relax.

"And with the Workers' Discount, you can get a bunch of Rose Toy-"

"Shut up, bitch," Feitan interrupts. We both try to ignore him, but then I feel my weight shift.

This man, deadass, picked up my chair and turned it towards him. Now, I'm extremely close to him.

"Feitan, can I move my seat a little? Our chairs are REALLY close," I ask, still shocked that he moved my chair.

"No. You have enough room," Feitan replies. Looking down, I see how close our chairs are.

Jesus Christ, we're practically scissoring!

"Yeah, but I'd like a little room. Yk, personal space," I joke.

"No. You no need room," Feitan answers in broken English.

Oh my god. He's fucking stubborn.

"You want Popular Materials work?"


"You want work there," Feitan asks.

"I'd definitely consider it, yeah," I reply.

"I work there," Feitan informs me.

Oh my god, maybe he could put in a good word for me?


"Yeah. You want job," he asks.

"I mean, yeah! But, like, I want to try Jasons first," I answer.

"Jasons is shit. If you want dildo, I'll but it. Work with me," Feitan demands.

"You'll dead-ass buy me something from Jasons," I ask, shocked at his reply.

"I buy you years worth of toys."


I got a little too excited at the idea, but c'mon, a girls gotta buzz one out from time to time.

"Yeah, just work with me," Feitan says, saying it like it's the easiest thing in the world.

"Let me think about it," I reply with a big smile on my face.

"I take you to mall after school."

"Wait, what," I ask.

"Horny Girl wants horny stuff. I want Horny Girl to work with me. I buy Horny Girl horny stuff," he responds, looking at me with a questioning look.

"Keep it down," I whisper-yell.

"Don't call me that," I tell him.

"Whatever, Horny Girl."

He grabs a notebook from his backpack and hands me a pen.

"Write phone number," Feitan demands, pointing to a spot in his book. Looking closely, I see this isn't a notebook, it's a HIGHLY annotated Chinese Character translated cover of a book. I look up at the chapter title and I recognize the title.

The Tell-Tale Heart? This MF is reading the sexiest book ever made. I love Edgar Allen Poe :3

"You a big fan," I ask him, writing my number down.

"You read? I thought you were dumb. You like his books," Feitan asked, genuinely shocked I'm not god-butt-fucking stupid.

"Yes, Feitan. I'm not a total fuckup."


𝚃𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝙳𝚞𝚖𝚋 [Yandere HxH High school AU]Where stories live. Discover now