Confusing Care |14|

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I had spent a total of 7 hours on the field.

My night was spent, cramped in a scoop of the mountain. It was now 4:00 am. To say the least I did not feel well.

As sunrise was about to hit I made my way back to my office. The work was already done, but until I got the information to Yelan I could not get a blink of sleep.

The office was empty, every step I took the wooden floors would creek, and my eyelids would feel heavier. I held the papers that had my notes in it close to my chest as my head felt like dropping.

"Head home"


My mind was fuzzy, but I could identify her voice. Clearly it was female, it was soothing yet mysterious, as if she had an intent she could not relay.

"Your work is appreciated, i would not however appreciate you having to work overtime"

She's so caring..

"Y/N can you hear me?"

I tried to snap out of my dizzy feeling quickly standing up straight. Pushing the papers from my arms towards her chest. It was a bit rude to do so, but I was on the verge of blinking to sleep.


I tried saying sorry, but im not quite sure if im heard. As I try to keep my eyes open, I catch a glimpse of her blue tipped hair... what a strong alluring color... I can't quite make up the expression on her face, it looks like


She was smiling, she looked tired, but she was smiling... Was she smiling at me?

"Rest, you'll need it, take the next night off too"

Her voice, it was calm, it echoed in my ear. Maybe because I was half awake, or maybe because I enjoyed the sound that I didn't want it to stop playing...

I didn't have any more strength in me, my eyes shut and my body grew heavy

I stumbled on my foot and landed in yelans arms

I wasn't aware but Yelan had quickly reacted. She threw the papers to the side and opened up her arms to catch my figure...

Change POV

The scene was set...

The taller woman standing up her arms securing the other woman in her arms. The moonlight mixed with the sun shining from the window, reflecting on both their faces.

Y/N, exhausted, was fast asleep, her head laid on Yelan's shoulder.Yelans arms wrapped around Y/N's shoulder and waist. Her grip on her was tight enough that she wouldn't fall, but loose enough not to hurt her.

Yelan gently lifted up her assistant's body, holding her bridal style. Her fingers hovering over the woman's head pushing off the strands of hair sticking onto her face.

That night Yelan took Y/N back to her house. Sneaking through the window she went inside and placed her body down on the bed.

Leaning over the bed and slowly letting go of her body. Yelan had made sure not to accidentally drop her work partner on the ground. As she removed her shoes and coat and tucked the girl in.

Yelan stood next to the bed overlooking the woman in bed. Sleeping so peacefully, the woman who so carelessly feel into her arms

Yelan didn't understand why she was doing this. For the sake of being nice? If that were the case she could have just left Y/N to sleep in her office, why make the effort to bring her into her own home, back into her own bed.

She even made sure to remove her shoes, so that she wouldn't get her bed sheets dirty...

Though you could say Yelan was questioning her actions, you'd be shocked to find out she wasn't. Her brain was filled with an idea playing in her head like a broken record....


She mumbled, her voice said so as if she was so in awe of Y/N's beauty. Yelans figure stood next to the one that was sleeping, her eyes focused on the features of the other female.

Her gaze hovering over the peaceful face, Y/N the sleepy assistant . Eyes close, her e/c eyes was not seen, but her eyes lashes were, they were nicely curled up. Her hair had stray strands flying all over the place. Messy hair, yet so soft and silky. The shape of her face, and the bridge of her nose.

Yelans deduction : Y/N looked like a sleeping goddess

Snap out of it

This wasn't like yelan, she knew that but she simply excused herself as being tired...

Sounds like denial to me

Yelan made her way to climb out the window when suddenly she was stopped


It was a cutoff statement, the sound of a gasp, it was Y/N. Could it be... nightmares?

Yelan had this feeling overcome her. She felt the need to stay a little longer. She rather go but she rather stay? She felt conflicted and against the other half of herself telling her to leap out the window and leave

She stayed

The fox eyed woman took a seat next to the bed. Next to the night stand was a little armchair, covered in green velvet where she sat. She wanted to keep a good distance between her and her employee.

She had to draw her attention somewhere else, or else she'd feel like a freak listening to Y/N sleep.

With that she took out the reports that Y/N had made from her night of observation. The paper was thorough with detail. Yelan had to hand it to her, she was smart, well organized, and very much adaptive...

She also took the time to look around her room, it was comfy and tiny. The house overall was cozy, it was a decent size for a single person.


Yelan quickly turned to the sound of Y/N's sleeptalk. She leaned over to look at her as she placed her finger in the strands of her hair. As her fingers twirled to soothe Y/N of her bad dreams...

20 minutes passed and Yelan had left, she was content... and...


And soon, the sun was rising...

Beyond Work Hours | Yelan x FReader | Genshin Impact FanficWhere stories live. Discover now