Odd encounter |2|

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Another day Another slay


Like every day Y/N woke up to another regular day. Grabbing breakfast and heading to work. Leaving her house in the main district. Passing by the citizens and other resides of Liyue harbor. While greeting others along the way.

This day was like any other day. The only difference would have to be that this very day was inspection day. It wasn't any different than any other inspection. Workers would be checked on their service and consistency. How effective the working system is. How safe is the environment for the workers. If there are a lack of employees or work hours. Including a grumpy, serious, strict glasses guy kinda inspector.

Y/N just decided to do the regular ordeal. It didn't matter to her that there was an inspector. As long as this inspector doesn't do anything against her she really doesn't care about their presence. Y/N was confident in her work and how she did it. Unlike a majority of her co-workers.

At first Y/N wasn't bothered by the inspectors, till he started aggressively staring. Not only that but he would often rapidly click his pen. And throwing a couple "tsk tsk" and disappointed sighs. It started to bug her. A lot. The presence of the inspector started getting more and more heavy.

It started when she started writing down the details of the new cargo

She was busy writing it all down, until she felt a heavy stare. She didn't mind it at first until the inspector started getting closer to her, staring closer at her pen in hand and paper. "Why is he staring at my hand?!" she thought taking into note the intensity of the stare. She would start sweating a lot more. " Maybe he is just looking at the paper and details? WHAT IF HE'S JUDGING MY HANDWRITING?!

"Calm down Y/N! It's probably just the cargo details...." reassuring her thoughts

"WAIT ARE MY NAILS DIRTY?!" and then doubting something like her hands

Then it continued when a co-workers asked for her. "Hey Y/N can you lend me a hand!" it was simple, just go and help your fellow worker. Lend them a hand. Maybe it will give the inspector a good light on her. Or so she taught

"Coming over, give me a sec!" She rushed over to the one who called

"Can you help me carry this one?" Pointing to a large crate

Both took it off the boat. Being careful with each and every step. With relief after placing the the crate down. Till they heard something

"Tsk tsk" Said the inspectors who had the eyes on them just a second ago

Followed by an aggressive pen tapping

That drained them.

It went on for a long while. Y/N felt like she was personally being targeted by him. Would she know why? Nope. Is she willing to ask him why? Hell nah. He was constantly staring at her and getting close to her while working. That's some weird ass behavior if you ask me. Y/N was now on edge. What if she loses her job? Will she be able to find a new one? What if the inspector plans to sabotage her other jobs?! It went on and on, the stress and the pressure. Till she had the last delivery.

"Medical equipment : Bubu pharmacy. This should be quick!" She said with excitement as she could finally get out of the clutches of the inspector after this last one. She was so happy, ready to rush this delivery.

"HEY Y/N WAIT UP!" her co-worker Xihuan called trying to catch her attention. "Y/N I NEED A FAVOR! CAN YOU WAIT?" he said in urgency.

"Yo wassup Xihuan! I'm kinda in a rush to leave from my chains of inspector pressure!" She said with the urge to get going!-

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