Alcoholic... thoughts? |6|

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I be poppin bottles 😎😎

The continuation

Everything became a blur once again, going dark. Y/N then found herself against the wall she was first leaning against. No more dark alleyways


"Y/N there you are!!" You heard a panicked, now relived voice

"Where have you been looking for you everywhere!!" You look over and see that it's Zhongli, poor guy must have been frightened when he couldn't find you, probably thought you were kidnapped

I mean like you were-

He grabs you and hugs you tightly. "I was worried for you!" He let's out a deep sigh of relief."At least you are ok now"

"Sorry about that..."  You look at him, debating whether or not to explain what just happened "I just got uh... a little lost" you little liar, you sweat dropped

"I also saw an acquaintance of mine, guess I lost track of time... hehe"

"Next time don't forget about me okay!" He said looking at you" Anyways, I found some treasure while shopping!" Let's head to the story teller now shall we?"

You almost forgot about your drinking plans

"Story teller?" You question Zhongli

"Why thank you for asking, I decided that fine old and rich wine would be best accompanied with, old wonderful tales of liyue"

"Oh, I see, I like your taste!!"

"Not to mention the view me and you get, over looking the incoming ships and boats" he explains to you. It was one of his personal favorite spots

You had to agree with him, and so you two made your way to a night of drinks and tales of liyue!!

Just like their tea session, earlier that day, it was accompanied with laughs and giggles, sad sobs, pipping hot tea (ykyk). It was a great night, as both got progressively more drunk by the bottle. As much as an alchol took a toll on Y/N so was the image of the fox eyed woman.
Yelan had been taking over your mind, consuming through thoughts.

Maybe it was due to her mysterious demeanor, her trust to you, the job she offered, her eyes that you get caught in...


Her odd ways, her desperation for you to accept the job, her beautiful figure...


Her scary presence, her reason for being in the chasm, the enormous amount of money she probably has, her carefully fool binding words, her elegant face...

Ok I think we're side tracking here

At some point, it wasn't the alchol muffling your hearing but Yelan. All these questions you had. The many images popping into your head. The thoughts of her invading your mind. Your encounter with her replaying over an-


Zhongli had been calling your attention, finally getting a response out of you now that he snapped in front of your face

"The alcohol already getting to you? Heh"


"Maybe? You sound unsure, it's either no meaning yes or yes meaning yes"


You laughed at what he said, maybe the alcohol mixed up with your shock from the alleyway incident, or maybe you were just drunk.

"I'm still up for another bottle Zhongli!"

He was shocked

"Cmon now, show me another bottle, the night has only begun!"

You said energized, snapping out of the trance you were in

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, now stop being such a father and take out another glass!!"

Your words were slurring, but oh well, alcohol does some stuff to ya. And with that, Zhongli took out another bottle, much to the belief that he ran out of this expensive wine.

The night went on and on till it led to you two walking home drunk. Even if he was drunk, Zhongli was still a gentle fellow and insisted on taking you to your house.

You offered to let him stay the night, but he told you he had other things to do

If that were the case, why plan on drinking and GETTING DRUNK

As soon as Y/N stepped into her house, she fell to the ground, groaning by the change on her body made by the alcoholic substance.

You burp as you lie on your house sofa, turning on the lamp lights while leaving everything else dark, looking out the window next to the lamp. The moon was bright, it was beautiful, being complimented by the stars, your head was heavy and so was your eyelids. Blink after blink, soon your eyes shut closed and you were now sound asleep. Passed out

Oh well, that was eventfull

S/ by the way Mr. Osmanthus wine isn't the 3rd love interest 🫢

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