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Miranda headed to the on call room where she was paged. She entered met with Derek, Mark, George, and Owen standing worriedly.

"Uhhhh, I don't know what things you all are interested in but I do not want to find out." she said about to head out, before Derek grabbed her wrist.

"Who can you stay with tonight? Where Tucker preferably doesn't know exactly where they live?" Derek said slightly nervous.

"Why? I thought I was staying with Mark and Cal-"

"Well he pulled up looking for you. Me, Derek, and Owen went to go grab some snacks and tools before heading to Derek's to work on the deck. He showed up but left before the cops got there." Mark said.

"And he may or may not have keyed your car. He even left a note saying he will find you. So, who else do you know that you can stay with for a little while?" George asked.

Mirandas mind swirled with thoughts and her eyes pooled with tears before she could fathom an answer.

"Um- There's one person but I don't know if he will be fine with that." she said softly.

"Well it doesn't matter, you're going." Mark said surely before Avery came in.

"You guys paged, is it time?" He said looking between the four men and Bailey.

"Yes. Jackson will be taking you to whoever's house and you will not and I mean NOT be coming to work until we get him." Derek said sternly.


"You're going, Bailey." Owen said crossing his arms.

"Fine, Let me call him." she said grabbing her phone and dialing his number.

"Hey, Benjamin. I uhhh need a favor." she said soflty.

"What kind of favor, Miranda?" he said slightly amused she even called him.

"Well ummm-" before she could stumble over her words further, Jackson snatched the phone from her.

"Benjamin, correct?"

"Jackson?!" Ben questioned.

"Ben? Look to make things quick, Bailey needs somewhere to stay for a while until things get clear over here. I'll let her fill you in later, if she wants. You cool with that?"

"Yeah, Of course." He said surely, sitting up on his couch slowly becoming alarmed.

"Okay, We'll be there in about 20."

"Okay." He said as Jackson hung up.

Ben slowly put his phone down, with thousands of questions and thoughts of what could possibly be going on.

Miranda on the other hand was nervous and her anxiety was rising by the minute.

"Bailey you're fine. Callie will pack your things and Owen will drop your clothes and things off at the house later, Okay?" Avery said calmly.

She nodded her head.

"Okay, Let's go." He said exiting the on call room with her behind , heading to her office.

The rest of the men left too, continuing their work and keeping an eye out for Tucker.

As they made it to her office she grabbed her purse and they headed to his car.

It was a couple minutes into the drive before Miranda realized she never told him where Ben lived and she didn't even know herself. That's when the thoughts of the phone call seeped back into her mind.

"Avery, How do you know Ben?"

" He was one of my mentors before I started working for Grey Sloan. He taught me a lot and has been like a brother to me since. We talk and hang out all the time. How do you know Ben? He said looking at her before focusing back on the road.

"Uhh- Ben is- well was the love of my life."

"Wait, you're kidding me. You're the woman he's been in love with this whole time?! Do you know how many stories I had to listen to, how many girls you got compared to-"

She slightly side eyed him as a small ping of jealousy coursed her body.

"Man, I didn't think he'd ever recover from you. That man would do anything for you and I mean anything. I know he hurt you Bailey but that man has been in love with you since he laid eyes on you. I can't tell you to take him back but don't shit him all the way out just yet."

Miranda nodded as they pulled into a driveway. The house had a dark exterior with dark wood complementing it. It was a big house not too big but it definitely gave cozy vibes from the outside.

Jackson knocked on the door and it quickly opened to reveal Ben in a black tank top and sweats that hung a little low.

"I have to go but Bailey, remember what I told you." he said before giving her a quick hug and heading to his car and leaving.

Ben stepped aside and let Miranda in as she looked around.

"So, Would you like to tell me what's going on?" Ben questioned as he watched her body language.

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