Moving On

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Two years had went by, Miranda searched for Ben months after his departure. She gave up after so many dead ends. She learned to live without him, at least thats what she told herself. She had been working hard and had become chief of surgery.

Benjamin on the other hand had been working to make a program called Crisis One, it would merge his love for surgery and firefighting by allowing him to be able to operate on patients in need on the field. He was presenting it to doctors at a local venue in seattle today. He wasn't excited about being back in fact he was dreading it. The only people he kept in contact with was Avery and Saint.  Saint was his right hand man, his best friend. Saint was the head of one of the top mafias in the world, he also was one of the top cardio surgeons and owned his own hospital . 

He was getting ready to present with Benjamin. He noticed his tense demeanor and he knew exactly why, they were in Miranda's hospital. Well Benjamin didn't know that yet but Saint did. He had been working with Miranda to make hospitals better, talking about her research, and plus Christina wanted you to shadow him. The two had grown close and he respected the empire she built here in Seattle.

"You ready?" Saint said with a chuckle.

Ben glared at him before releasing a breath, "Sure."

Saint laughed just as people began to file into the room.

As the speech went by Ben's eyes couldn't help but look for hers.

Soon the speech was over. Saint and Benjamin worked the room talking amongst doctors and investors until they came across Avery and the rest of the crew.

"Benjamin, long time no see man. Hows LA been treating you?" Avery said hugging him tightly.

"Pretty good, can't complain." Benjamin chuckled. He couldn't lie he missed his friend.

Everybody made their rounds greeting each other. Benjamin was surprised that they already knew Saint and it seemed like they'd known each other for a while.

"So, how do you guys know Saint?"

"Well Saint has been working with our Chief and has been working with our hospital." Callie responded.

Ben eyes went to Richard, "Not me." He said throwing his hands up. Ben's eyes knitted together in confusion, before a voice he thought he'd never hear rung.

"Saint?! You never said you were coming in town." She smiled briefly hugging him.

"Well, I was presenting a future medicine changer with my best friend. I think you know him, Dr. Benjamin Warren."

The group had mingled a little while ago while Callie, Derek, and Avery had stuck around. They all watched the two interaction.

Ben's eyes took in her appearance. She was wearing a tight red dress with long sleeves that stopped mid thigh, it had small slit and her breast nearly spilled out the dress. He licked his lips slowly before speaking.


"Dr.Warren I enjoyed the speech, it seems you have a wonderful idea up your sleeve." She said nonchalantly, at this very moment she realized she truly learned to live with him.

Ben took in the way she spoke to him like a colleague and not like someone who she hadn't seen in years. He wondered why he was disappointed at that.

"Thank you."

"Oh Ben, man forgot to tell you. We have a meeting with the Chief of surgery at Seattle Grace Mercy West." Saint chimed in.

"Who is the Chief? You never told me." he said in confusion.

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