Chapter 15

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[A/N: Writer's block is a bitch so let's introduce the ink blot. I've never written a fight scene before so I hope y'all don't mind the bad/short description of the battle.]

Screams were heard as monsters cried in pain. Blue strings could be seen all around the AU, all connected to one skeleton. The skeleton just watched in silence as he killed all the monsters without remorse. The place was filled with dust. Error thought the place was very dirty. All the abominations were taken care of while the human soul is in the anti void. All error needed to do is destroy this AU and get on with the next one. No one could stop him, the sans of the AU was long gone and destroyed. Error didn't give him a chance to react to his little invasion. Suddenly... a splat sound was made as a ink puddle forms on the ground. Error doesn't bother to pay attention to it, bad mistake. Ink like bones fly towards error causing error to teleport from his previous position. When error looks at the ink puddle again, a skeleton with a giant paintbrush was standing where it was.

"MY NAME IS INK SANS, THE PROTECTOR OF AUS!! I am here to defeat you, destroyer of AUS!"

A groan in clear annoyance soon was heard from the destroyer. The feral grin that slowly settles onto his face doesn't seem to match the empty feeling in his heart. All error's thoughts were about getting this done quickly so that he can get back to his nightmare.

Soon, the two started fighting. Both shooting bones and dodging as they solely focused on defeating the other. Blaster after blaster was dodged as ink uses his paintbrush to make a wall when he couldn't dodge. Error slowly gets frustrated as the so called protector keeps dodging his strings. Suddenly ink chokes as he gets stabbed by the bone he dodged. Slightly confused, he notices a little late that a string is attached to the end of the bone. His eye lights widen as error summons multiple bones with strings attached to them, then shooting them at him.

The combo causes ink to start running as error chases after him. Now the fight has become a game of cat and mouse. Ink trying to get away from the string bones while error tries to kill ink. Ink gets stabbed or slightly injured a few times as the bones try to attack him wherever he dodges. A few minutes of chasing while ink shot bones at him when he got the chance. Error, now not blinded by frustration, stops chasing ink and notices all the damage their fight caused. He chuckles a bit as he realizes ink is just a joke, all ink did was help him destroy the AU faster. Ink starts to notice he isn't being chased yet didn't know it was too late. The AU glitches as loud screams of agony could be heard. The AU was being deleted by Error and ink could do nothing but escape the AU.

Error, now done with his quota of AU deletion, happily goes to the castle looking for nightmare. Nightmare now gives error rewards if he deletes a certain amount of AUs and brings supplies and necessities back from those AUs. The rewards could be any of error's choosing which has had error very excited to get to work once every two weeks. Usually it's once every 5 weeks (wanting to be near nightmare all the time makes him reluctant to leave) but the rewards really are worth it. He got nightmare to bake him some chocolates, he got nightmare to cuddle and watch a movie with him, and he got nightmare to spend the whole day alone with him. Those rewards really allowed him to do basically anything to and with nightmare. He indeed was excited for the next thing he wants to ask for. Something he's been wanting ever since his obsession, something he wonders if nightmare would refuse.

He's going to ask anyway, the thought of nightmare even having a slight chance to accept his request had his soul boiling. Soon Error knocks on nightmare's door which is answered with a small "come in". He walks in and sees nightmare reading a book about different torture methods.

"Back from destroying?"


"What is your request then?" Nightmare asks while looking up from his book.

Error fidgets a bit as he asks what he's been thinking about all week.

"Could we... could we go on a date?"

Nightmare's mind blanks out at the question. Millions of thoughts yet none were in his head at the moment. He doesn't even realize that he says yes to error's request. Yet he doesn't miss the sight of error smiling so big his soul felt like it would burst.

"Great! I'll plan the whole thing! I'll see you at 6!"


Nightmare didn't get the chance to stop error as he teleports away. Nightmare then just sits there in silence, realizing that he has a date, with error, that starts in a few hours. Nightmare suddenly slams his book down and teleports away.

"Justus! Justus!"

"WHAT! Can't you see I'm trying to sleep!?"

"Help me!"

Justus sits up and looks at nightmare with a confused expression. "Help with what?" He asked.

"ErrorjustaskedmeonadateandIaccepteditIdon'tknowwhattodo!!" Nightmare looks so frantic and panicky as he says.

Justus hits nightmare on the head angrily.

"Say that again but make it slower so I can actually know what your talking about, Idiot."

Nightmare fidgets with a big blush on his face as he slowly says, "Error just asked me on a date and I accepted it. I don't know what to do.."

Justus stares at Nightmare dumbfounded. "Error asked you?"


"Are you sure?"

"He asked me!"

"Dang I thought he would never have the guts."


"Anyway! Congrats! You got a date with the destroyer! *whispers to self* I'm definitely putting this in my fanfiction about y'all."



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