Chapter 10

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After thinking about it silently for a couple minutes, killer slowly nods his head. Knowing that he might be signing a deal with the devil, has killer a bit tense. Killer feels frightened at the evil grin that goes onto nightmare's face once he agrees. Nightmare uses his magic to get rid of chara making killer notice her yelling suddenly go silent. Killer's black tears of hate flow more as he realizes that she's finally gone. He hated her so much that he's crying tears of hate happiness. "Now, what should be your name? There are many alternate versions of sans. So I can't call you sans." Said Nightmare. Killer thinks for a bit, thinking about a name that would suit him. "How about killer? I think it would suit my story well." Killer says with a playful smile.

"Killer it is then." Nightmare agrees right back. Nightmare introduces himself, "I am Nightmare, the guardian and king of negativity." Then he instructs killer to get his things since he'll be living with nightmare from now on. And killer happily follows instructions. He's happy to be able to see new scenery instead of the same old underground. Well, he hopes nightmare's home isn't in the underground. Nightmare patiently waits for killer to get done with packing his bags. Killer doesn't even take 30 minutes to get all the important stuff and be ready to leave. Nightmare looks him up and down and then nods. He creates a portal for them both since killer doesn't know how yet.

Killer's eye lights tremble in awe at the sight of the magnificent obsidian black castle right in front of him. Nightmare casually opens the huge doors with his tentacles, making the doors look like they don't weigh tons. Killer follows close behind him, not trying to make it obvious that he is entranced by the beauty of the gardens they pass. Nightmare decides to start showing him around. Explaining the areas they go to or pass by ending with the throne room. Killer had a little magical sweat cause of how much walking they did but overall he was fine.

"And this is the throne room." Nightmare said. Grinning when he senses the feeling of awe radiating off of killer. Nightmare doesn't even flinch when there's a sudden knock on the door to the throne room. Killer had hid his flinch well. "Lunch is ready, your majesty and company." A papyrus servant had informed them both. "Alright." Nightmare answers as he looks at killer. "Hungry?" Killer blankly nods, not wanting to show too much emotion. Nightmare leads the way to the dining room where they both sit down and eat in silence. "You can pick any room that isn't occupied. Also, another skeleton lives here with us too. He's just out right now and will be back soon." Killer looks at nightmare thoughtfully and asks, "Where does this skeleton sleep?"

Nightmare gives him a blank look with a unnoticeable blush on his face. "He sleeps with me in my room." Killer gives nightmare a surprised look at the answer but quickly calms down. Killer suppresses the urge to tease nightmare, not wanting to potentially get stabbed by those tendrils that aren't summoned yet. "Okay.." Nightmare's expression does not change by the answer. He too tried to keep an emotionless expression with the answer he just gave. Now he's starting to think about getting Error his own room. He didn't want the possible future members to think he and error are weird.

Somewhere in the multiverse, Error gets a bad feeling, like something unpleasant and terrible will happen to him in the future. He can't seem to brush it off so he pushes it to the back of his head and continues doing his job. Back to nightmare and killer, killer finishes his food and stands up. "I'm off to pick a room boss." The word boss rolls off of killer's ecto tongue confidently as nightmare's eye light widens at the unfamiliar term to describe him. Nightmare quickly nods, figuring that's what the other nightmares were called so he doesn't say anything about it. Killer grins at the affirmation of nightmare being okay with being called boss. Killer gives nightmare a small salute as he teleports away.

Nightmare then proceeds to stand up after eating. Leaving the shadow servants to clean up the table and other stuff. He lets killer be as he walks into the library to grab a book and read. He wanted to study up on stuff he didn't know or get still. He grabs the book that he previously was reading and then sits down comfortably on one of the many couches in the library. When he's comfortable, he begins to read. He gets so deeply into the book that he doesn't even notice that time goes by quickly. Until he's snapped out of his focus from a knock on the door. "Come in." Nightmare doesn't bother to look up from his book as he flips a page. "I'm back night." Nightmare quickly looks up at the sound of that familiar glitchy voice. Nightmare puts his book down after he puts the bookmark in, "Error, welcome back." He gives him a gentle smile as Error walks up to him. "I saw that there's a sans here." Error looks at nightmare expectantly, wanting to know why the sans is here.

"He's my new subordinate." Nightmare gives him a answer, not bothering to beat around the bush. "What if that sans betrays you? You can't just trust their word that they'll be loyal.." Error shows true worry. He didn't want nightmare getting attached and then suffer from betrayal. Nightmare gets where Error is coming from, but he has already thought of a solution. "I saved him from his previous suffering. If he can't guarantee his savior undying loyalty then where's his honor as a sans?" Error goes silent at that. Contemplating Nightmare's thought process. Nightmare decides to add on, "plus. I have you by my side. Any ideas of betrayal can be completely destroyed with you." Error's soul skipped a beat right then and there. Knowing nightmare trusts him so much to stay by his side at all times made error glitch out more and almost crash due to extreme stimulation. Nightmare had immediately noticed this but doesn't say anything since error doesn't look like he's in pain. Nightmare starts to check the time when he notices error needs a few minutes to calm down. He immediately notices that it's passed his usual time to sleep. So he starts to neatly put the many books he read back into their assigned places.

When nightmare finishes putting the books back error had finally calmed down. "I'm going to go to sleep error." Error looks up at nightmare and nods. "I'll go with you. I'm pretty tired from destroying." They both teleport to their room and get ready for bed. Nightmare knows killer is passed out sleep in his new chosen room so he doesn't go bother him. Soon nightmare and error are cuddled up peacefully asleep. Both not realizing that a great threat is coming.

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