Chapter 4

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{Dream's P.O.V}

While I was practicing the bow. I sensed monster positive emotions making me de summon my bow. My brother seemed to notice my vigilance cause he de summoned his daggers and we both focused on where the monsters were coming from. There were so many, and I didn't feel particularly great about it. Me and my brother have been with only each other... and I don't feel comfortable with a bunch of strangers with possible malicious intentions coming to our tree. As they get closer I clench my brother's hand. I'm feeling a bit nervous but my brother rubs my hand reassuringly. I've always felt ease with him.

Like he'd never hurt me and would protect me from the world. I've always trusted him and never doubted him. Without him, I'd probably be defenseless and alone. And people would steal the apples from me because of that. So I'd always thanked mother for creating him and I'm glad he hasn't had any ideas to leave me alone and instead teach me how to defend myself.

When I notice the monsters have finally arrived at our tree. I tense up a bit but feel a bit more reassured with my brother's presence by my side.  One of them, to which I assumed was the leader, stepped up and walked towards us.

"Don't come any closer."

My brother's voice surprised me. It sounded powerful, like he was a king on a throne demanding the respect he should be getting. That made the monsters flinch away while some had their ears down like they were afraid. I was a bit proud that the leader backed off and stopped walking but had angry emotions radiating off of him.

"We were just passing by... we were forced out of our homes and have been trying to find a good place to rest. May we rest here?"

Before I could disapprove, my brother immediately answered, "You can, but you'll have to be away from this tree. You can go into the forest and live there, but this is a warning. If we see any of your kind coming to our tree, you'll be one less a person." He sounded like he'd never accept a no or that he can't kill whoever comes near the tree. I frowned at their murderous intent being directed at my brother when what he said made sense. They are strangers to us, we do not take kindly to others that have the guts to try to get close to our tree.

I'm a bit upset that he let them stay the night when they clearly have malicious intentions and has lied to us about passing by and possibly deliberately came here. Then the idiots asked us who was the positive guardian and who was the negative guardian, causing my brother to say a snarky remark which had me silently snickering.

I knew they were silently fuming and I felt happy at their anger and agitation. When they left, I hugged my brother and asked him why he let them stay for the night.

"Because it's the most logical thing to do. Even though we don't trust them, we still have to show them the benefit of the doubt and see their funny attempts at getting us to trust them."

I could see him smirking as he said that to me. I felt the excitement and anticipation he had which silently passed to me. I wonder how this'll go for them. Will they entertain my good brother, or die because my brother got bored of playing with them. Probably both since I know my brother so well. They might last long, if they have good books.

The next day, they settled down and the area they chose. My brother's prediction was on point as always. They weren't planning to leave to begin with. They most definitely are aiming for the apples, making the statement "stranger danger" accurate. Me and my brother were playing tag around the tree when a few of the monster kids came over. We didn't attack them since the apples were too high for them to grab or jump to grab, so they'd have to climb the tree to get to the apples.

"Hey we had a question..."

One of the girl monsters said with a shy face. I looked at her with a curious look making her go on.

"What's your names?"

I silently looked at my brother and he looked at her with narrowed eyes. I was a bit surprised he answered her and introduced us both. I assumed he wasn't the type to like shy girls. The girl had smiled happily at my name and invited me specifically, to the banquet they'd be holding on finding the right home. I told her I wouldn't be going to that banquet cause I had better things to do. She still had a smile and the kids tried to ask me to play with them which I was also refusing.

I didn't really want to hang out with anyone but my brother. I don't know what these monsters would do if my brother was left alone. I trust him to be able to fight and slaughter them all, but I wouldn't want his hands getting too dirty with their blood. Plus I wanted to do more training with him. The stronger I get, the better I am at protecting my big brother from harms way.

The monster kids left when they knew they weren't getting anywhere with me which made me breathe a sigh of relief. I'm relieved they left me and my brother alone and I'm happy that I now have time to be with my brother because they look like they won't be coming here for a while. I gave him a big hug which made him chuckle. We then went back to our game of tag, enjoying each other's presence and making sure to be on high alert for anyone wanting to steal the apples.

Unknown to us that we'd get a visitor that was practicing their magic and accidentally got teleported into our world. But I'd stay oblivious to this visitor since my brother would make me play with the villagers, giving me the excuse of "taking advantage of their resources" and getting to know the monster or human way of thinking. But in later time, when my brother is the king of negativity, I'll find out about this and realize that's why my brother and him are close "friends".

————To be continued————

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