Chapter 5

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{Third person P.O.V}

A figure stares blankly at the dreamtale siblings with a magic screen. They watch nightmare train, excited and curious as the older skeleton moved with agility and precision with their string daggers. Feeling their soul skip a beat a bit as they watch nightmare looking so deadly. The figure could only imagine those daggers cutting other monsters up without the monsters knowing what killed them.

The figure feels they're soul beat fast in they're ribcage at the image. They give focused nightmare a wary look as they've never felt the feeling they feel before. It doesn't even feel painful and the figure is so used to pain that it feels weird to feel anything but that. They know it's bad to feel good feelings since She will try extra hard for him to feel horrible if she finds out.

He knows the bitch named Fate will do something horrible to the one he's watching as he's seen her plans. He knows he will not be able to escape, yet he watches closely at the beauty of nightmare's lethality and could not help but to admire. He'd rather enjoy his leisure time admiring his new found obsession than sit in the white space without any color.

Nightmare seems to be the only thing he could focus on. He finds salvation in those deadly moves with even deadlier intentions. He could not wait to meet the older skeleton as he watches Nightmare take a break. While the figure was enjoying watching nightmare, they flinch at the sound of a portal being opened. Causing them to immediately close their window and get into a fighting position.

The figure can feel their bones pop in a painful way as they got into a fighting position but they ignore it since they need to focus on the portal. A woman steps out from the portal causing the figure now know as Error to tense.

"Error~ it's time for you to train~"

The supposed deity named Fate had come to beat up the destroyer on a pretense of training. And the destroyer knew yet didn't seem to back down even when he's still injured from last time. The deity waves her hands and a sans is summoned to fight without a conscious.

"You'll fight this sans using no strings. I will make you regret choosing to be a destroyer under destiny than choosing to be my creator of this multiverse. Just watch me."

Error shows a grin and says to the deity, "Show me then. Show me how you want me to regret it then~"

No glitched voice in sight since he turned it off so fate could hear it clearly. Fate grits her teeth at his taunt and orders the fight to commence. Both started to attack each other immediately, even with the pain in Error's body, he still moves nimbly as if he's dancing with his opponent. Error had started practicing a fighting style that could possibly go well with nightmare's own fighting style.

He would sometimes imagine them teaming up together and looking so beautiful covered in dust and blood as they slayed their enemies together. The image would always get his soul boiling and beating with his movements more vigorous at the thought of teaming up with nightmare to slaughter their enemies.

Even though they were like human toddlers/children right now, he knew nightmare would still have the same beauty when they get older. And as he fought with the sans in front of him, he realizes that when he thinks of nightmare the pain in his body seems to have disappeared like it was never there in the first place.

Causing him to smirk as he stabs the sans in the back after hours upon hours of their fight. Fate had grew bored and left while they fought and injured each other. She knew she lost the moment error got the first hit in so she didn't even bother to watch another sans she created in minutes to die.

But while Error wasn't looking, she locked up his ability to use windows so that he goes insane in the white void. She thought him with an insane, deteriorating mind would be weak and funner to play with, oh how she was wrong... he was nothing but more merciless and disobedient afterwards.






{Nightmare's P.O.V}

While I was laying on the tree, I felt the feeling of being watched leave me. I've been watched ever since I met the future destroyer of the multiverse. It didn't feel like a malicious gaze so I didn't try questioning it yet it was always there when I'm interacting with others or training. Sometimes it would leave for small periods of time and then come back. But anyway, I noticed some kid monsters coming to the tree.

I knew they were here for Dream since I've been making him hang out over at their village. He was very upset with it but pretended to be happy with the monster children. He would complain about what he did with them and say he wanted to hang out with me which made him tell the monster kids to not come to the tree for a couple days.

Now they've come to hang out with Dream since his time with me, in their book, was over. I watch as Dream tells them to go away or he'd get angry. Making the kids scramble off since they don't want to get on his bad side. It was funny to watch how Dream's face did a 180 when he faced me. He gave me a hug and excitedly asked me to read a book to him since he missed those times. I nod to him and get to reading while I have certain thoughts in my head.

I've known him for a few years now, and I've also become a bit attached which would be a bit bad for future plans. So I've changed my plans up. I know the hierarchy in this AU because of the books in the village's library. Dream would bring me books so I wouldn't be bored. I haven't been bored cause of those books, training, and beating up monsters that come near the tree. I made sure to do physical training so I could build some strength in my bones since I can't really grow muscle.


I look up at Dream and smile a bit and I respond with, "yes Dream?"

"Do you think the villagers are planning something too? I mean they've always for these past couple years tried to make me be away from you. And it always gets on my nerves since I don't feel safe with them."

I give him a blank stare for a few minutes before I smile at him.

"They do sometimes try to attack me or try to verbally abuse me when your gone. I thought nothing of it though since I don't care about a stranger's opinion of me. And I also usually beat them up in the end."

Dream frowns on the first half of my sentence and then smirks at the end of my sentence.

"You beat them up? No wonder they came to me bruised and bleeding telling me about how you bullied them. I laughed to their face and said you'd never do that. I knew you would though. Cause I know my brother well!"

He gives me a delighted smile and hugs me. I felt a warm feeling in my ribcage as we start to cuddle with each other. Enjoying the peaceful silence as we focus on each other and our surroundings.

...Until we heard and sensed a bunch of monsters coming our way....

————To be  continued————

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