13. Safe

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Darcy's House
Darcy was scrolling on Instagram when her mum barged in. It would've been nice if she knocked, but apparently that's not her style. Darcy got startled and sat up.

"Darcy!" Her mum came in. Darcy looked up. She looks mad, she's always mad.

"Get up your Aunt's coming over for dinner!" Her mum was about to walk out but then she turned back to look at her. "And dress nice dress somewhat lady like. Also don't embarrass us with your made up lesbian story!" And then she's gone. Darcy hates her.

It made Darcy angry how her mum called her story made up. Like; Oh yeah I'm straight I just kiss girls for fun, Darcy thought.


Nick's House:
Charlie was over at Nick's house, and Charlie was fast asleep on Nick's stomach as Nick was scrolling through Instagram on his phone. Nick's noticed Charlie's been sleeping a lot lately. Every time Charlie's at Nick's house he's always tired. The time finally turned to eight O'clock, which Charlie told him to wake him up at eight. Nick caressed Charlie's cheek, his eyes fluttered open.

"Hm," Charlie groaned lightly. Nick thought Charlie was the absolute cutest.

"Char you told me to wake you up at eight..." Nick said as he stroked Charlie's hair. Charlie frowned.

"It's eight already?" Charlie got up off Nick's bed. "Well I guess I better go then." He was about to walk away when Nick stopped him grabbing his hand.

"Charlie!" Nick called out, Charlie turned around. "I... I..." Nick was lost for words. 'Come on you can do this Nick', Nick thought.

"I think we should talk" Charlie gave a confused look. Then sat down on Nick's bed.

"Ok?" Charlie said concerned. He was sort of scared, about what Nick's going to say. 'Is he going to break up with me?', Charlie wondered.

"I've noticed you've been tired lately... and... I'm- I'm not saying you are but... it kind of seems like you're lying to me... or making up excuses... I'm just... really worried about you..." Nick explained. Charlie was scared he really need to tell him especially Nick. He deserves to know. Also he couldn't keep hiding it anymore.

"I guess... I just... I..." Charlie tried to speak but nothing came out. Then he second thought his decision.

'Wait what if Nick breaks up with me because it's too much to deal with. Or worse what if Nick treats me differently. I can't lose this happiness, Nick's the best thing that ever happened to me. I couldn't lose him not yet, not now-'

"Charlie." Nick cut off Charlie's thoughts. Charlie met Nick's eyes.

"Sorry... there's nothing going on I promise." Charlie changed his answer. Nick sighed and took his hands in his.

"Char... you know I really care about you." Nick whispered. He was making it harder for him not to tell him.

"Yeah... but... I'm fine... I promise you." Charlie assured Nick. But Nick could see right through him.

"Char..." Nick tried, but Charlie just wouldn't listen to him. He just couldn't tell him.

"I have to go Nick my mom will get annoyed if I'm late..." Charlie said cutting off Nick. He decided to just leave it, he couldn't force it out of Charlie.

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