9. Guilt

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Nick was just playing a normal match when he spotted Tao storming off then Charlie having a panic attack. Nick ran over towards him.

"Charlie!" Nick yelled as Charlie fell to the ground his knees to his chest as he was hugging them tears pouring down his face. Nick crouched down to his level and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Charlie what's wrong?!" Nick asked.

"I... can't... b- breath!" Charlie managed to get out. Everyone else rushed over her.

"Miss Charlie's having a panic attack!" Nick said in a panic voice

In this moment Nick didn't even care if people became suspicious all that mattered was Charlie. Nick crouched down to meet his level and took Charlie's hands in his.

"Charlie it's okay I'm here... just..." Nick placed one of his hand and placed it on his chest. "Follow my breathing..."

And that's all Charlie needed to feel. Is Nick's heartbeat. It was going a little fast. Charlie smile to himself at how fast it was. Charlie couldn't tell if it was because of him or because of how scared he was for him.

Everyone gave them suspicious look and whispers flew around them, but Nick didn't care.

"Are you okay now?" Nick said softly.

"Yeah... thanks" Charlie faintly said. Nick stood up helping Charlie up too.

"Nick why don't you take him back to the locker room and get him some water." Nick nodded.


At the locker room Charlie sat down on the bench while Nick went into his locker grabbing his water bottle and gave it to Charlie.

"Here... drink out of mine." Nick told him as he sat beside him. After he took a drink he gave it back to Nick as he sat it behind him.

Charlie looked at him giving him a slight smile.

"So you gonna tell me what happened?" Nick asked. Charlie looked down.

"Tao found out about us and now he's not talking to me." Charlie said looking down. Nick sighed.

"I feel like this is my fault..." Charlie looked up.

"Nick no! This is not you're fault! I promise! Can I just... have a hug?" Nick let out a low breathy chuckle smiling pulling Charlie in a tight hug Nick wrapped his arms around his neck as Charlie had his arms wrapped around Nicks torso as he was leaning in towards him. They pulled away. Charlie gave Nick a confused look.

"Why did you help me... in front of everyone... someone could've found out about us. Coach Singh could've easily helped me. You took a big risk... why?" Charlie asked. Nick chuckled looking down shaking his head. Nick looked up at Charlie cupping his cheek caressing it.

"Because! Your worth any risk!" Nick laughed. "And I... care about you" Nick said in a more serious tone.

Charlie's face steamed up as they looked into each other eyes. They started to lean in as their lips finally connected at last.



Tao, Elle and Isaac were sitting on Taos bed having a film night at his house and obviously Charlie wasn't invited because last time they spoke he stormed off knowing Charlie told everyone about him and Nick but Tao.

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