2. Help

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Charlie doesn't even know why he's shocked about it. He sort of knew this would happen. Ben's not really a good boyfriend anyway. Charlie walked away with his head held low, wondering why he even liked him in the first place.

'Why are there tears pouring down my face? Am I heartbroken?', Charlie thought. Part of Charlie is happy he's cheating on him because now he has a reason to break up with Ben, but also part of Charlie is still aching, wondering why he would even want to date someone like him.

Before he realized it, he's speeding down the hallways not even realizing how fast he's going. A million thoughts ran through his head. Then he ran into Nick.

"S-sorry." Charlie apologized. His eyes were teary. He just needed to get out of here.

"Are you okay Charlie?" Nick asked, a worried expression on his face. Nicks soft side activated.

"Yes I'm okay, I'm not crying, my boyfriend didn't cheating on me, and I'm not heartbroken', but instead I just say-", Charlie cut off his thoughts by saying,

"I-I'm fine" he muttered this sort of annoyed, but sounding like he was in a rush.

"You sure? You just... look like your crying." He says this so softly, while giving Charlie a worried expression.

"I'm fine okay?" Charlie snapped. "Why are you being nice to me anyways! People like you and Haryy don't care about anyone else but yourself! Just... leave me alone!" Charlie finished lashing out at him, and stormed off, angry tears pouring like a rainstorm.

Charlie instantly regretted his words. 'God why did I do that?', Charlie thought.

Nothing he said was true obviously. But he couldn't help the fact the he was just so angry. He accidentally took it out on Nick. He felt really bad. The word 'idiot' repeated constantly in Charlie's head.


"Hi." Tori said, completely scaring the shit out of Charlie.

"God Tori!" Charlie was startled. He jerked his head towards Tori while jumping back.

"What?" She asked confused on why he flinched like he saw a real-life ghost.

"How do you just appear out of nowhere?" Charlie asked smiling but also shocked.

"Older sister magic," Tori said the obvious, standing there like a statue. "What's wrong?" She questions tilting her head, her brother didn't seem like her brother, there's definitely something wrong

"Um, I'm fine... just," Charlie paused before continuing. "My boyfriend cheated on me," He sighed. Tori didn't say anything, and Charlie didn't need her to, he just needed her comfort. Tori pulled Charlie into her embrace.

Tori is Charlie's older sister, who's a year 11, student at Higgs. She's always been there for Charlie. He was her whole life. Usually, siblings always fight like cats and dogs. Not them. They cared for each other like nobody else.


The next day of school Charlie was about to walk in form when he remembered what he'd said to Nick yesterday. He caught Nivk's glance and quickly looked away.
Charlie walked over to Nick sitting down in his assigned seat, which was obviously by Nick.

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