16. Heated

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The following day, Charlie awakens to the gentle touch of sunlight on his face. He lies there, nestled against Nick's chest, a sense of unease creeping over him, as if he can already sense that the day ahead will be filled with negativity. Sensing Charlie's restlessness, Nick shifts beneath him, prompting Charlie to turn and gaze at him. A soft smile graces Nick's lips.

"Hey," Nick whispers, running his fingers through Charlie's hair. Charlie returns the smile.

"Hey," Charlie replies softly, attempting to conceal his true emotions from Nick. He tries to rise from the bed, but Charlie doesn't let him, inadvertently causing Nick to fall back.

"You're absolutely adorable, but we really need to get up," Nick remarks, his tone affectionate. Meanwhile, Tao scoffs in annoyance, clearly irritated by the public display of affection.

"You two are cute and all, but can you please save the PDA for somewhere else?" Tao complains. Isaac can't help but chuckle at Tao's remark.


The Coach:
They were about to embark on a visit to Big Ben and other attractions, which required them to take a coach. The teachers seemed unusually rushed that day, for reasons unknown. Charlie takes a seat near the window, hoping to sit next to Nick or one of his friends. However, his worst nightmare comes true when Ben sits down beside him, trapping him in the inner seat. Nick notices this, but before he can protest, Mr. Ajayi asks Nick to take a seat.

A few minutes into the ride, Ben decides to open his mouth and speak his mind. "So, how have you been? You must be really sad since we broke up," Ben says. Charlie's mind races with disbelief, wondering if Ben is delusional.

"You harassed me, and then you assaulted me. Why would I be sad? In fact, I feel much freer, thank you very much!" Charlie snaps back. Ben grabs Charlie's arm, gripping it tightly, leaving a bruise that will surely linger.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. Don't forget who I am and what I can do to you," Ben threatens in a low, menacing tone. Charlie's eyes widen, and fear grips him like never before.

Fortunately, Nick witnesses the entire scene, fueling his anger. He sends a text to Charlie, "Want to switch seats?" This simple gesture fills Charlie with happiness; he is grateful to have Nick by his side.

"If that's okay," Nick gets up from his seat and walks over to Charlie, who manages to squeeze out of the seat as Nick takes his place.

"Don't...ever touch my boyfriend again," Nick whispers, his voice filled with determination. Ben chuckles, confusing Nick.

"You know, I can easily expose your secret to everyone. It's that simple," Ben says, believing he has won the battle. Little does he know, Nick has outsmarted him.

"If you expose me, I'll expose you," Nick retorts. Ben realizes he has been outwitted, and Nick emerges victorious. He falls silent.


Tara and Darcy walk side by side, stealing glances at each other. Tara can't help but feel a tinge of anger towards Darcy for not reciprocating her feelings, although she knows she can't force her to do so. The pit in her stomach grows more painful. Suddenly, they hear commotion nearby, diverting their attention.

Harry purposely bumps into Charlie, causing him to stumble and fall into Nick's arms. True to his nature, Harry can't resist making insulting remarks.

"Hey, fag!" Harry sneers, a smirk on his face. Nick's blood boils with anger. He no longer cares about the risk of being outed; his only instinct is to protect Charlie.

"Harry, Don't start," Nick says sternly. Harry lets out an evil laugh, as if he were a villain in a horror movie.

"Isn't it disgusting? Him having a love bite," Harry insults, causing Charlie to look down, feeling vulnerable. He notices his sleeve has ridden up slightly, revealing bruises on his arm from Ben's grip. Charlie quickly pulls down his sleeve to hide them.

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